Teen Wolf is back! Season 3-B started with some Inception level dreaming as Stiles had a dream within a dream. Suffice it to say Stiles wakes up questioning his entire reality and fearful and confused. Wouldn’t you be if you had layers of dreams that you thought to be real? Cue night sweats. Allison isn’t doing much better – she hallucinates about her dead Aunt the entire way to school causing a kind of temporary blackout. Scott is having roommate issues with Isaac, and when not dealing with those, is sweating out his own transition to alpha and trying to keep it under wraps at school. Seems like these three are having a tough time at Beacon Hills now. Everyone is unsure of themselves and their current position / contribution to the pack. Lydia, too, is having trouble keeping wraps on her sanity. She knows that it’s all in her mind this time, but it doesn’t make it any easier. New girl Kira just happens to know about this weirdness and tells the crew they’re experiencing an in-between life and death state. Odd way to introduce yourself, but to each their own. This state is called “Barto.” Dr. Deaton agrees with Kira and tries to give the group pointers on how to keep themselves from fully slipping into the Barto-undertow. The Sherriff, now hip to the werewolf scene and dangerously close to losing his job, has decided to reopen some cases to check if they were werewolf related. Scott and Stiles try to preempt the sheriff and end up face to face with an unknown being that’s sure to cause more trouble later in the season. Scott texts Derek, who is with Peter and they are both being held hostage in Aunt Kate’s basement. Cora’s still MIA. Who has Derek and Peter chained up? What was that creature that Scott and Stiles ran into in the woods? Will the crew succumb to Barto? Tune into Teen Wolf every week for more questions…and hopefully a few answers!