
It’s Spirit Day!

“Millions go purple on Spirit Day in a stand against bullying and to show their support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth. Spirit Day began in 2010 as a way to show support for LGBT youth and take a stand against bullying.  Following a string of high-profile suicide deaths of gay teens in 2010, GLAAD worked to involve teachers, workplaces, celebrities, media outlets and students in going purple on social media or wearing purple, a color that symbolizes ‘spirit’ on the rainbow flag.  Spirit Day now occurs every year on the third Thursday in October, during National Bullying Prevention Month, and has become the most visible day of support for LGBT youth.”

To celebrate Spirit Day here at YA Magazine, we’re recommending our Top 10 Books About Bullying!  Be sure to check out #spiritday on your favorite social network!

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