Original author: Lisa Jahn-Clough
Website: click here
Published by Houghton Mifflin Books for Children ISBN 0618959610 (ISBN13: 9780618959617)
SYNOPSIS: “All dead. No one survived. All dead. This morbid chant haunts seventeen-year-old Blue as she trudges through the countryside with just the clothes on her back, heading to her childhood home on the ocean. Something absolutely awful has happened, she knows it, but she doesn’t know what. She can’t even remember her name, so she calls herself Blue. This gripping survival story—peppered with flashbacks to bittersweet times with her boyfriend, Jake—strips life down to its bare bones. Blue learns, with the help of a seemingly magical stray dog and kind people along the road, that the important thing is to live.”
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Lisa Jahn-Clough writes and illustrates picture books and writes young adult novels. Her most recent novel NOTHING BUT BLUE (Houghton, May 2013). Lisa has an MFA from Emerson College and has taught at Emerson, the Maine College of Art, Vermont College of Fine Arts, and Hamline University. She is now assistant professor at Rowan University. In addition, Lisa is a frequent speaker in schools and libraries.