Top Ten Glee Performances Season 4

If you’re still with us on Glee, you’re in it for the long haul—you know (and love) these characters as if they were part of your own family (or high school clique, which is the same thing). Congrats, you are a true Gleek! On the other hand, you could be like the millions of ‘Glee-light’ fans, who only pay attention to the actual numbers on the show, which of course is the whole point of it all in the first place. So without further ado, the top 10 performances from the 136 (!) that played out during Season 4.


10. I Love It – Tina, Kitty, Brittany and Unique with Marley and Sugar

First committed to the small screen in the infamous ‘mesh tank top’ episode in season 2 of Girls, Glee did a more than fine job with this irresistible Icona Pop hit, giving the girls their moment in purple on stage.



9. For the Longest Time – Artie, Jake, Kitty, Ryder, Marley and Sam

Who doesn’t love a little a cappella? This Billy Joel standard feels fresh and new in this soulful update, and it’s actually quite surprising it hadn’t already been done in any of the previous seasons.


8. Just Can’t Get Enough – Blaine and Kurt

Sometimes you need a little Depeche Mode, and the boys do it so well here, during Will’s post-wedding party that never was.



7. Girl on Fire – Santana

Fiery and powerful Santana was meant to sing this Alicia Keys single, which burned up the radio airwaves (with overplay!) just months ago. A perfectly fitting ballad for the “Diva” episode.



6. Homeward Bound/Home – Quinn, Puck, Mike, Santana, Mercedes, and Finn

This artful mash-up based on songs by Simon & Garfunkel and Phillip Phillips is a beautiful opening to this reunion episode, heralding the return of Quinn and Puck to McKinley High.



5. All That Jazz – Rachel and Cassandra with NYADA students

It wouldn’t be a Glee Top 10 without a little bit of Broadway, and who better than Rachel to deliver. This Fosse classic from Chicago has aged well, and even though we have yet to see Lea Michele lead a musical on the Great White Way, it’s clear she’s ready.



4. No Scrubs – Artie, Blaine, Ryder, Sam, and Joe

It’s hard to believe that 90s hip-hop darlings TLC can already be the stuff of retro legend, but when No Scrubs comes on in the bar these days, it’s hard to hide your, well, glee! Same goes for Artie and the New Directions boys in this fun rendition.




3. You Have More Friends Than You Know – Blaine, Marley, Unique, and Sam

A heartfelt ballad amongst friends around a piano—simple, beautiful, and sure, the orchestra that magically appears behind the screen nearby definitely has something to do with it too.


2. Anything Could Happen – Marley, Artie, and Jake with New Directions

This Ellie Goulding ditty is a fun, pulse-pounding, poppy moment for Marley, Artie and the New Directions, providing an interesting backdrop for Rachel as she takes her pregnancy test in New York.


1. The Scientist – Rachel, Finn, Blaine, Kurt, Santana, Brittany, Will, and Emma

While Coldplay doesn’t immediately seem like appropriate fodder for Glee-style karaoke, this all-out finale to the “Break-Up” episode was a formidable showstopper.