Rachel begins school at New York Academy of the Dramatic Arts (NYADA) in New York City, where she meets junior Brody Weston and starts classes with a tough dance instructor, Cassandra July, played by Kate Hudson. At McKinley High, the rebuilding of New Directions begins and Wade “Unique” Adams transfers from another school to join the group. Kurt helps director Will Schuester to find potential recruits, who include Marley Rose and Puck’s half brother Jake. Rachel struggles to adjust to school at NYADA but finds support in Brody. The show’s major couples soon encounter serious problems in their relationships. Finn, after months of no communication, shows up in New York unexpectedly, and discovers he doesn’t mesh with Rachel’s life at NYADA. Rachel has really started to warm up to Brody. Blaine misses Kurt and feels left behind. He briefly cheats on Kurt before realizing his error. Santana and Brittany struggle because of the distance, and Santana decides to do the “mature thing” by letting each other move on.
At McKinley High, Blaine and Sam run against Brittany and Artie for the student council, and win. Kurt gets an internship in New York at Vogue.com, working for Isabelle Wright, played by Sarah Jessica Parker. While focusing on his internship, Kurt inadvertently pulls away from Blaine. New Directions prepare for and performs at Sectionals but unfortunately do not win. They are helped by some of the glee club’s graduates, including Quinn and Santana, who are home for the Thanksgiving holiday, resulting in new friendships and the flaming of old rivalries. Rachel and Kurt celebrate Thanksgiving in New York and Kurt starts to mend his relationship with Blaine. With much practice and growth as a group, the New Directions win first place at Regionals. Will and Emma finally get hitched as well. It was obviously meant to be! The crew watches on with excitement while Blaine has a little black box behind his back and stares longingly at Kurt. Will they marry? Check out Season 5 to find out!
Check out the group sing “For The Longest Time.”