Top Singles To Hit The Web

Lea Michele – On My Way

Check out Glee star Lea Michele’s new single On My Way! Set in what seems like the ultimate twenty something Californian frolic fest, Lea looks like she’s having a whale of a time in this video. The song itself is also surprisingly catchy; Lea’s talking about finding her way to meet a lover who she just can’t keep away from even though maybe she’s making a bad decision. We wouldn’t recommend driving to your boyfriend or girlfriend’s place with a bottle of whiskey between your legs but we love the song nonetheless!

Meanwhile Up in Heaven – The Kaiser Chiefs

The Kaiser Chiefs are back. They never disappoint us with their British branded indie pop and the video for Meanwhile Up In Heaven sees frontman Ricky wandering a freaky iteration of a carnival from yesteryear, having seemingly had some sort of accident that’s left him tattered and bruised. The song boasts a decidedly fairground sounding keyboard trill throughout and it’s too early to tell if it will join the ranks of modern classic status enjoyed by Kaiser Chief tracks like I Predict a Riot, but the video is a ton of fun. Check it out below!

La Roux – Let Me Down Gently

La Roux have a new song entitled Let Me Down Gently. Their first new music video in three years gives us lead singer Ellie doing a lot of head shaking and moody acting whilst running across a moor in a very Wuthering Heights fashion. The song itself is a meditation on heartbreak that anybody who has spent time in Dumpsville can relate to. The whole thing’s a little sadder than we’ve come to expect from previous La Roux outings but we feel like it’s been way too long since they have graced our ears and eyes and we are just glad to have them back.

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