Christian J. Simon talks Sydney To The Max

Christian J. Simon is quickly becoming a household name. He currently stars as Leo in the hit Disney Channel show “Sydney to the Max.” The show follows Sydney, who is finding her way in 7th grade while living with her dad, Max. The show even goes back in time to the 90s to see what Max was like when he was Sydney’s age! The show has already been picked up for a second season. YEM spoke with Christian about being a part of the time-traveling show.

Young Entertainment Mag: You are on the Disney Channel show Sydney to the Max. How does it feel to be a regular on a Disney Channel show?

Christian J. Simon: It feels great. It’s a dream come true!

YEM: Your character Leo has scenes that happen in 1992. Do you do any research to prepare for playing a character from the 90s? How much did you know about the 90s before joining the show?

Christian: First, let me just say the 90s were a cool time. My parents told me a few things about the 90s, but I mostly learned as we went. I think what’s great about the show is that it’s so relatable. Even though his scenes are set in the 90s, Leo is still a middle school kid who is just trying to maneuver through life as a teenager.  The only thing I knew about the 90s was that my mom and dad didn’t have cellphones at my age and that computers used floppy disks.

(Disney Channel/Ed Herrera)

YEM: The show just got picked up for a second season! What can fans expect to see coming up on the show?

Christian: Woohoo, so exciting! The fans can expect to see more heartwarming stories, great moments between friends, possible new characters, and lots of comedy.

YEM: You also do a lot of voiceover work. How is voicing an animated character different from acting on a set?

Christian: You can go to work in your pjs if you’d like. Lol, just kidding. Voiceover work requires a big imagination and a lot of creativity. Sometimes you are in the booth with just the director, a mic and a script without the story being animated. You have to figure out a way to use your voice to bring a character to life. I love that I can be as big & animated as I want to be. Check out T.O.T.S., a new animated show about friendship, love, and celebrating each other’s differences where I play Freddy the Flamingo airing on Disney Channel.

YEM: You’re also a dancer! How do you balance dancing and acting?

Christian: Yes, I love to dance. Dancing & Acting are very similar to me because they are both creative outlets. I use them both to balance each other out. Acting is my first love, but I try to dance as much as I can in my free time.

YEM: Will we see you do any dancing on Sydney to the Max?
Christian: Leo has danced a few times on the show so I hope we get a chance to see more.
