Jonah Stark could hardly find the words to describe the new girl when she strode in late to AP Biology. She had cast a spell on him, his thoughts transfixed on her. He did not even notice when Mr. Miller called out his name the first or second time.
On the third time he heard, “Excuse me, Jonah, are you going to answer me? Or do you need more time to study human hibernation?”
Several of the students snickered prompting the teacher to grin.
It took Jonah a moment to realize what his teacher had just asked. “Uh, no, Mr. Miller. I was just zoning out for a moment. And for the record, no primate species is known to hibernate, so a study would be useless.”
He flashed a grin, hoping the new girl would see him being all smart and charming and funny.
“Very good, Jonah,” Mr. Miller said as he took a step back and looked towards another student. “Jessica, I’m confident that you are paying attention, so enlighten us.”
Jonah couldn’t focus on the lesson. He was lost in the oasis of the new girl with her long brunette hair, thin yet strong build, and stunning blue eyes that he caught from across the room whenever she looked at the clock above him. Though her chest wasn’t much to be excited about, the skinny jeans that hugged her ass perfectly when she first walked in made her irresistible. She was everything Jonah loved to see in a girl.
He forgot about the world for a while, as he daydreamed about a girl that he’d only seen. The dream ended when the end of class bell rang. It was lunch period for him next, forty minutes of freedom.
But eating would have to wait. For Jonah feared that, if he didn’t act quickly, his new girl would be in the arms of one of the jocks soon enough.
Jonah felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest as his eyes locked with hers in the lunch line. “Hey,” he said. “I’m Jonah. You’re new?”
“Who me?” She squinted and tilted her head, looking innocent. “Yeah. I’m Alice, and I so love your name. Is it like the fairytale about the dude with the boat who saved all the animals or something?”
He couldn’t help but laugh. “No, that would be Noah. From the Bible. I’m named after my grandpa, who strangely enough is named after another Bible dude who got eaten by a fish.”
Alice looked horrified. Her eyes became water with tears and she looked a little panicked.
“Oh. I’m so sorry,” she said as she looked down at the tile floor. “I didn’t mean to sound so stupid. I’ll get out of your way now.”
She jumped out of line and walked away.
Jonah didn’t know what to do! His heart dropped as he realized how stupid he was for making fun of her. He had to think fast.
In a moment driven by hormone-fed instinct, he stepped in front of Alice to block her path.
He said, “Wait a minute. I wasn’t trying to be mean to you. Just hear me out okay?”
The tears fell from her eyes. Crap! He wasn’t getting anything right!
Alice said, “Why, so you can make me feel stupid? You smart asshole.”
It was the moment of truth; if he failed, all hope would be lost. He silently wished for one last chance to make things right before he spoke.
“Well, you’re obviously pretty smart yourself to be in AP Bio with me. I was sort of an ass a moment ago. I’m sorry about that.”
Jonah watched her eyes light up as she smiled. He could hardly believe how smooth that was; maybe wishes could actually come true! Either that or he was a secret lady’s man.
Alice shrugged. “Everyone has those moments. It was nice of you to say I’m smart and all, but I’m not that special. Just a normal girl in a crazy world.”
He stood silent for a moment as her dimpled smile transfixed him. Neither of them knew what to say as they stared into each other’s eyes.
Someone finally coughed. Jonah turned and saw that the lunch line had moved forward.
“Come on, Alice,” he said. “Let me treat you to some of the finest cuisine our cafeteria can provide. Which mostly means, try the pizza?”
Alice giggled. “I guess I can let you buy me lunch. This time.”
Jonah grinned. He could hardly believe just how smooth he was! This was the start of something epic, Jonah thought to himself.
Things moved fast over the next few weeks, and people around school clearly noticed. Jonah was always the nerdy type whose greatest achievement was being the most teachers’ pet. Yet there he was, dating the hot new girl who rose quickly in the ranks of popularity. He couldn’t remember ever being this happy.
Within the week, they started holding hands in the halls. Not long after, there were shameless kisses, which many times came dangerously close to violating the school’s PDA policy. Luckily, they were able to stop before anyone important noticed.
Within the month, they took the big jump and had sex for the first time. Jonah was in wrapped pure bliss. Perfect Alice was in love with him! And he was in love with her!
The love bug had bitten Jonah hard enough that he did not think twice before giving Alice the passwords to his email and Facebook. He was blind to the red flags that waved when she began questioning his every move. It didn’t even strike him as odd when she began demanding that he tell her where he was and what he was doing at all times that they weren’t together, which happened less and less as the days went by.
Only, the more Jonah avoided his actual friends, the more angry Alice became towards him. She picked fights for any reason. She guilt-tripped him constantly, telling him what a bad boyfriend he was being to her, and asking why she was even with him. On more than one occasion, Alice spent several minutes laughing and pointing at Jonah’s outfit.
Sometimes she withheld her attention; and the sex certainly stopped coming as frequently. If it happened at all, Alice made sure Jonah knew what a chore it was, and told him how he better be grateful.
One Saturday, he was cuddling with Alice at her parent’s house, lounging on the living room couch. His phone buzzed, and he checked out the text but didn’t reply. It didn’t need his immediate attention. He was too busy with Alice in one of her rare moments of conviviality.
Suddenly, she jumped up and started yelling at him. “How can you cheat on me right in front of my face like that? Do you think I’m oblivious?”
Jonah looked around, confused. “What are you talking about?”
She scoffed. “I saw the text you read! ‘Love ya, hun’? Who the hell were you talking to?”
Jonah couldn’t believe it. “That was my aunt! Are you really that jealous?”
“Uhh, do you really think I’m that stupid? Your aunt?” She rolled her eyes. “I have no idea how I can even forgive you. If I even should.”
“No,” Jonah stood up from the couch. “That’s enough of this. You have really changed, you know that, Alice? Where’s that sweet girl I fell for? Or was she even real to begin with? Was that all an act?”
Tears sprung to Alice’s blue eyes. “Stop it, Jonah! Stop being so mean!”
He started to gather his jacket and shoes. He waved her off, saying, “This is no fairytale. Who was I kidding? I haven’t been a knight saving the princess; I’m a prisoner trapped by the witch!
Alice broke into sobs. “Jonah… Please…”
He shook his head as he pulled on his shoes. “I’m out of here. We’re over.”
“Please, Jonah. Don’t go.” She wrapped her arms around him. She felt desperate in her motions. “I can’t help myself. I’m sorry. I just, there were so many guys at my last school who cheated on me. And they were so mean about it. I can’t take it. I can’t take even the thought of it. It makes it so hard to trust anyone.”
She knelt beside him as he tied his shoes. He was moving slower now.
Alice said, “Stay with me. Don’t be like those other guys. Show me you’re okay to trust, and I’ll try harder.”
Jonah took a deep breath. He looked into her large, watery eyes. “You can’t blame me or treat me like those other guys,” he said. “I have never cheated on you, or given you a reason to think that I had eyes for anyone but you. Your history hurts; I get that. But our history? Our history is freaking spotless! I have been nothing but caring and giving. God, I give! I give so much, Alice. I do everything you ask.”
“I know. I know,” Alice said as she hugged him. “You’re so good, Jonah. You’re so good to me. I’m sorry I’m crazy. I won’t peek at your texts or emails anymore.”
“I want to believe you.”
She smiled sadly. “Then believe me! ”
He shook his head. “I can’t. Your trust issues are not my fault. I can’t take watching my every move because it might be another emotional landmine you didn’t warn me about.”
Alice’s tears dried, burned away by her fury. She glared. He went to kiss her cheek, but she flinched away.
Jonah sighed and stood. “Get some help, Alice,” Jonah said. Then he walked away from the dream that had turned into a nightmare.