Scooping it out is the Master of Suspense Antonio Cipriano the Prettiest Little Liar! (Exclusive Photoshoot)

When Young Entertainment got to do a photoshoot with Antonio Cipriano all bets were off! Season 2 of the Pretty Little Liars reboot spinoff is already underway and playing Johnny, Bailee Madison’s character, Imogen’s love interest is Antonio Cipriano. We reached out to Antonio and asked to do a Hitchcock style photoshoot where he’d play out the “Master of Suspense”. Antonio’s character Johnny seems to be a lovable character but who knows what’s in store for him as this season of the PLL spinoff goes on. Johnny gets to be the cute ice cream man behind the counter that all the girls come in for but he’s only interested in one, Imogen. Would you take a few scoops from Johnny?

Young Entertainment: Thank you Antonio for taking the time to chat with me today. This is so weird but I associate you with sneakers now because of your time on National Treasure: Edge of History. Has anyone ever told you that?! lol

Antonio Cipriano: Well first off appreciate you watching! That show was an absolute pleasure to be a part of and getting to play a character like Oren was a dream. It’s funny that you associate me with sneakers because in real life I will stick with the same pair until they are unwearable, but I have gotten “hey you’re that sneaker guy” a few times lol

YE: Getting into it, what did you know about the Pretty Little Liars franchise before taking on the role?

AC: I had never seen the original series despite having known about it through friends of mine and the sheer magnitude of its audience, but I knew it was more of a thriller show which is a bit ironic because I have never been a horror guy.. though, working on it first hand and seeing how those more intense sequences are shot, it really just gives you such a huge appreciation for the craft.

“I’ve never been someone who is confident with their shirt off…with the sole purpose of saying “this guy’s HOT” it’s a little jarring lol but everyone on set was so wonderful”

YE: What was the audition process like?

AC: I had actually auditioned for the first season of the show and they ultimately couldn’t find a place for me, but when it came time for the second season, the casting team were excited to see me again. I sent in the self-tape and maybe a week later had a chemistry read with Bailee. It felt so effortless and comfortable doing the scenes with her, and I guess casting could see that too haha
about a week later, I found out I booked the role 🙂 

YE: What is your favorite thing about Johnny?

AC: My favorite thing about Johnny is the way he is slowly able to become a person for Imogen to trust and confide in after everything she had been through. Yes, they have an attraction to one another, but it’s a relationship built on mutual respect and empathy which is really nice to see and get to work with. I also like that he doesn’t pull away when he learns about everything from Imogen. Instead he leans into it and wants to be there for her. That’s a good guy right there 😉

YE: What was it like getting to work with the incredibly talented Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, who has worked on fan favorites Riverdale and The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina?

AC: It was first off, of course such an honor. Roberto and Lindsay [Calhoon Bring] always so warm and encouraging that I was doing an okay job haha for them to put their faith in me to bring one of their characters to life was such a blessing.

YE: What was one first for you working on Pretty Little Liars?

AC: I really do think getting to work on a show that was more in the thriller genre was a huge first that I was so excited to experience. Granted, I didn’t do too much of the heavy lifting when it came to that stuff, butttt without spoiling anything, there may be a bit of blood in Johnny’s future 😉

YE: What was it like working with Bailee Madison? Did you learn anything about your own acting from working together or pick up anything from her?

AC: Truly like the best scene partner I could have asked for. Hands down. She is such a light on and off set and you can just tell she’s been doing this for a long time. Such a pro, but also knows not to take herself too seriously ya know? On top of all that, she made me a better actor every time we did a scene together.

One time I remember before we had to do one of our more intense scenes, both of us were sitting at our chairs prepping and we could not for the life of us stop laughing. That level of slap happy that comes around the 3 to 4am mark of a shoot day. She looks to me and says “I really don’t know how I’m gonna be able to do this scene right now..”. Cut to- we’re finally on set and I’m straight up sweating at this point trying to contain myself, but there Bailee is, pulling her sh*t together and so LOCKED IN. She does this monologue flawlessly. And I mean flawlessly. Single tear type stuff. And as her scene partner you’re just kinda sitting there like “where is her emmy??” but also like where is this coming from?????? But it just says so much about the person and actor that she is. She will never take herself too seriously, but also when it’s time to pull it together, she’s one of the best. All in all, a frickin honor to work with someone like that, and I hope it’s not the last time.

YE: Do you have any experience serving ice cream? Did you actually get to work with ice cream on set? It looked pretty hot out while watching, was there any ice cream at Krafty or around to eat?

AC: No experience at all lol

We didn’t get to serve the ice cream at the creamery, but there was one scene where we had to be serving out of a truck and they let us actually do it. Let’s just say Imma stick with acting lol

YE: What is your favorite flavor and what is your first memory of ever experiencing ice cream?

AC: Oooooo okay well, I’ve honestly always been a vanilla guy BUT I also love a good rocky road or coffee ice cream.

I don’t remember the first time ever, but I’d have to imagine it was rainbow sherbert and it changed my life. if u know u know

YE: As an actor what’s it like when you’re asked to take your shirt off?

AC: honestly.. scary as hell haha

I’ve never been someone who is confident with their shirt off, so when you read in the script that there’s gonna be a slow motion sequence with your shirt off with the sole purpose of saying “this guy’s HOT” it’s a little jarring lol but everyone on set was so wonderful and I was surprisingly much more comfortable than I imagined I’d be.

“…I would love at some point to release something for sure. Singing is truly my first love…”

YE: What was needed in terms of makeup to help bring out the sweat that we get to see on your body on-camera or was that all natural?

AC: hahahaha spray bottles mixed with a hot day on set 🙂

YE: There’s been a video that’s been going viral of you and Reneé Rapp singing “Wait for Me” from Hadestown. How did that come to be and what was that whole experience like?

AC: yeah that video was made back in 2019 I believe. Renée is a force and one of the best vocalists I’ve ever had the pleasure of singing with, and I wish her nothing but the best as she continues to KILL the game.

YE: You were on Broadway in Jagged Little Pill and then on Disney+ National Treasure: Edge of History – how does being on stage differ from the small screen?

AC: Love this question. I truly love them both so much and am very lucky to be able to work in them each and hope to do that for as long as I can. I think the biggest difference for me that was a bit of a change coming from the stage was the live aspect of it. On stage, you have an entire audience to feed off of during your performance. In most cases for TV/film you have your scene partner and the camera as your immediate audience. I really love getting to work in both equally because as wonderful as receiving that energy from an audience can be, the intimacy of tv is a really interesting exercise in how present you can really be in a scene.

YE: I came across the song “Dear Icarus” written by Anna Miriam Brown and it’s quite beautiful. How did you get involved in that and what was it about the Greek son of the inventor Daedalus who perished by flying too near the Sun with waxen wings, Icarus that you connected with? And when do you think we’ll be hearing more music from you? And will there be anything original coming?

AC: Thanks for listening first of all! I LOVE that song oh so much. Anna is an incredible song writer and I was honored to lend my voice to one of her brilliant pieces. We had actually been in contact way before this song, but never ended up working together until she reached out in 2021 I believe to record this song.

I was particularly drawn to this song because as a singer and actor, when you get a song where the lyrics have such a sense of yearning, that can inspire the performance you give in your singing. Anna’s writing is so beautiful in that sense.

On the music front- I haven’t been writing too much at the moment, but I would love at some point to release something for sure. Singing is truly my first love, so I wouldn’t ever want to lose that part of myself.

YE: I had the opportunity to go to Lawrence Woodmere Academy on Long Island and watch you play out “13: The Musical” with Andrew Barth Feldman featuring High School Musical the Musical the Series cast members Frankie Rodiguez and Joe Serafini. I’ll be honest, it looked like you guys were having the time of your lives. What was your favorite thing about that experience?


Andrew’s one rule for us all as we started that process was to have the silliest time and for it to be the easiest and most fun thing we’ve ever done. That’s exactly what happened, and I’m so glad you could feel that energy as well.




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YE: What are you hoping people see from your acting after watching Pretty Little Liars?

AC: I hope they don’t cringe too much?

I also think the job of an actor is to serve the story the best they can. I would hope my performance serves the story and energy of the show as best as possible.

YE: What’s one thing you want people to know about you that they may not know that you’d want them too as you go on with your career?

AC: Well, one thing I’d like people to know is that I’m just really happy and grateful to be in the position I’m in today. I wanna thank all the people who have stuck with me and any new people who may come along. I’ve never been the best at the social media thing, so I know it sometimes feels like I’ve fallen off the face of the earth, but I promise I’m still here and I’m so damn grateful for you 🙂

YE: If there was one film, TV show or staged musical from the past or present you could be a part of which would it be and what character would you play? Why that feature and what makes that role so special to you?

AC: Honestly, this is silly, but if I could just be Jack Sparrow for one day. It is an absolute dream to portray that kind of character. I can’t imagine the freedom an actor has to play everyday on set.

After playing Oren in National Treasure, it helped me get comfortable making choices and I feel like that would be the case for a character like that. Also to play a pirate? Yeah sign me up.

“I’ve never been the best at the social media thing, so I know it sometimes feels like I’ve fallen off the face of the earth, but I promise I’m still here and I’m so damn grateful for you”

YE: Thank you for this, this was so much fun. I appreciate you for doing this, it really was a blast, I’m really excited to see where your career takes you and love watching everything you do.

AC: You’re the best. Thanks for doing this, and hope to talk again soon 🙂

Make sure to tune in to Pretty Little Liars: Summer School every Thursday on Max and be sure to watch the finale on June 20th.

Talent: Antonio Cipriano – @antoniocipriano_
Production: Pretty Little Liars – @prettylittleliars
YE Producer: Mordechai Laub – @Moocto26

Photographer: Austin Ruffer – @austinyourface
Hair & Makeup: Taylor Levitan – @tayonmyface
Styled by Jake Sokoloff – @jakesokoloff // Ashley Stephens @ashleydaistephens
Wardrobe By: Look #1 Shirt: @aknvas Suit: @kylelyk_newyork Shoes: @golaclassics 
Look #2 Vest and Jeans: @mavijeans Shoes: @golaclassics
B-Roll: EJ Garlands – @ejgarlands
