This week on Arrow, things are getting explosive. Arrow himself is having no luck tracking down the man in the skull mask. What’s more he’s still having haunted flashbacks about the death of Shado, not to mention that terrible haircut. Right now though he has bigger problems at hand. A fundraiser for mayoral candidate Sebastian is targeted by a mysterious bomber. Luckily nobody is hurt, but as the bomber strikes again, Arrow sets off in pursuit. Felicity isn’t proving much help, as Barry is still in a coma, and she sends Arrow off the wrong way in a highly charged motorbike chase. As Arrow tears into Felicity, one suspects that the green eyed monster might be rearing its ugly head. Sebastian, refusing to be cowed by the bomber, announces a unity rally the next day. Thea confronts Roy at work, who has been acting all moody and sultry since he got shot by Arrow. The two of them are just getting down to a make up/make out session, some glass falls on Roy, which he’s unnaturally resilient to. Felicity identifies the bomber as Mark Scheffer, part of an antigovernment organization called The Movement. Arrow rushes to the unity rally, which Mark has (surprisingly) targeted, and with some sharp shooting helps Felicity and Diggle to disarm the bomb and bring down the bad guy. Roy rescues Moira as some pretty darn heavy rigging falls on them, and, seeing Roy walk away unscathed, Thea starts to smell a rat. Just what’s been happening to him since he got shot? Meanwhile, Laurel has been doing some snooping after seeing mail on Sebastian’s desk with the name Maya Resnick on it. Quentin finds out that Maya is Sebastian’s aunt and he’s paying her bills as she’s in a mental institution. Laurel goes to see her and – shock horror – discovers that Maya is in fact Sebastian’s mom and saw Sebastian murder his father. The episode leaves Laurel wondering how she’s going to dispel Sebastian’s nice guy facade as Arrow and Sebastian swear to protect the city together. Can she convince Arrow to trust her? Tune in next week to find out!