Soccer star Lainey Mitchell is gearing up to spend an epic summer with her amazing boyfriend, Jason, when he suddenly breaks up with her—no reasons, no warning, and in public no less!
Soccer star Lainey Mitchell is gearing up to spend an epic summer with her amazing boyfriend, Jason, when he suddenly breaks up with her—no reasons, no warning, and in public no less!
True love is never lost—but how much loss can it endure?
To celebrate the film’s release next month, we got our hands on the soundtrack and had a listen.
2014 is definitely a cinematic year to go down in the books.
We are super stoked about X-Men: Days of Future Past’s release on May 23rd, so we decided to do a little retrospective about how the iconic X-Men series began.
We love it when one of our favorite actors has a breakout year.
We hope that these songs get your toes tapping wherever you are.
We caught up with uber talented Vava to talk about song writing, star crushes, and shoes.
We’ve laid out our guide to the top 10 what to look forward to this week.
Exclusive photos from this week!