Death Sworn
When Ileni lost her magic, she lost everything: her place in society, her purpose in life, and the man she had expected to spend her life with.
When Ileni lost her magic, she lost everything: her place in society, her purpose in life, and the man she had expected to spend her life with.
Maisie Danger Brown just wanted to get away from home for a bit, see something new.
In Serjana Caelum’s world, gods exist.
In Jenna Strong's world, ACID—the most brutal controlling police force in history—rule supreme.
For Cleo Berry, the people dying of the Spanish Influenza in cities like New York and Philadelphia may as well be in another country--that's how far away they feel from the safety of Portland, Oregon.
Heart attacks happen to other people #thingsIthoughtweretrue
ABC Family might have a knack for families, but they also have a knack for creating heady, intense romances. Continue reading
The episode starts with Zoe once again being a huge cling-on to Drew. Honestly, this chick is like. Continue reading
We talked about it yesterday. The. Continue reading
One of the runaway hits of this year's Sundance.