Sorrow’s Knot
The dead do not rest easy.
The dead do not rest easy.
Chloe didn't think about it much when she nodded off in study hall on that sleepy summer day.
Brian and his friends are not part of the cool crowd.
Ever since she escaped the city within the Wall, Lark Ainsley's wanted one thing: to find her brother Basil.
Queen Bee Chloe is going to make Toni suffer for the whatever that transpired between Toni and Chloe's boyfriend, Oliver, over the summer.
American teenager David Matthews has more to deal with than the average exchange student living in Japan—a lot more.
Drastically altered after her fall, Neferet is now more dangerous than ever—and her quest for vengeance will wreak havoc on humans, as well as Zoey and her friends.
Three teen outlaws must survive on their own in a world without air, exiled outside the glass dome that protects what's left of human civilization.
When Eva’s twin brother, Eamon, falls to his death just a few months before he is due to participate in The Testing, no one expects Eva to take his place.
Felicity St. John has it all—loyal best friends, a hot guy, and artistic talent.