YA Actor Interview – Ian talks ABC’s Neighbors | Young Adult Mag
Ian Ptraick who we found out plays a series regular, will star
Ian Ptraick who we found out plays a series regular, will star
writing was never a conscious decision. I was surrounded by reading as a kid and just started writing...
Iva-Marie Palmer, author of the teen alien-invasion comedy The End of The World As We Know It...
In the frank and captivating Confessions of an Angry Girl, author Louise Rozett...
Melding the themes of romance and the supernatural into the brilliant adventure Inbetween...
Tonya Hurley gives us The Blessed, a hypnotic...
Burn for Burn is an intriguing novel about "three very different girls who have all been hurt in different ways...
We spoke to author Lisa Burstien of Pretty Amy. It was Pretty...
Wren's plan to attend a huge Halloween party thrown by the guy she likes...
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