Cat prepares to attend her 10-year high school reunion by hosting a girl’s night with a few pals she was friends with back in the day. The women recollect, and the subject of Cat’s love life in high school is brought up. Not surprisingly, she was drawn to bad boys back then too.
Two of the women go to leave when Cat’s friend, Beth, realizes she left something behind. Cat goes to retrieve it from her room. She thinks Vincent is hiding behind her curtain, as he had creepily done so before the party, but it’s actually another beast, which then attacks her.
And that beast is Blair Redford, also known as Ty Mendoza to Switched at Birth fans! When Beth comes in, the beast moves to run, and Cat grabs her gun to shoot at him. But he leaps out the window, five stories down, not before Beth catches a glimpse of his shining beastly eyes.
Tess, Gabe and Vincent all want to help Cat after this incident, and they’ve got another problem on their hands as well. Beth is a reporter for the National Metro News, and she is determined to get a story out of what she saw.
Cat convinces her friend to wait to get all the facts, like whatever information can be found from DNA at the scene, before breaking the story. Their secret is safe for yet another day.
Vincent goes after the other beast, but when he finds him, the man recognizes Vincent. His name is Zach, and he claims that he and Vincent served together and were friends.
Vincent brings Zach back to JT’s and Zach apologizes to Cat there. He explains that he knew someone was killing beasts, and that hurting her was just a way to reach his endgame of finding the beast hunter. He says he didn’t know it was Vincent, and wouldn’t have hurt her if he’d known who it was and what she meant to Vincent.
Cat is no dummy, and wisely still doesn’t trust the guy. She decides to run a background check on his DNA, just to see what comes up.
JT, Zach and Vincent go play pool at a bar, where they discuss many things including the topic of a woman named Gabriella. Zach claims that she was Vincent’s girl before he shipped out, after Zach had already left. Some of Vincent’s memories of her are triggered, but not much.
It turns out Gabriella is pretty important after all. Zach’s DNA shows up in a cold case, involving a Gabriella whose remains were found in shreds in 2005. This definitely sounds like the work of a beast.
Agent Reynolds shows up at Gabe’s office to ask about the incident with Cat, and Gabe brings up that he could possibly help with cutting through red tape in regards to finding Cat’s birth father. We know him to be Agent Reynolds, so when that comes out, it should get even more interesting. He says he will go after Zach, and leaves.
Meanwhile, Zach reveals that he was in a relationship with Gabriella before he left for Afghanistan, and he is pretty mad that she and Vincent got together. Vincent swears he didn’t know, but Zach attacks him anyway. Zach swears he will rip out Vincent’s heart the way Zach’s was, which probably doesn’t bode well for Cat.
Cat goes to her reunion after Tess convinces her she deserves to, and at first she has a good time. Elsewhere, JT and Vincent talk more about Gabriella, and JT says while Vincent once told him he didn’t know about Zach and Gabriella’s involvement, that won’t matter to the new beastly Zach.
Vincent decides to go after Zach to make him understand, and of course, that leads him to the reunion. There, Cat has her phone off to enjoy the night and misses any calls or texts about what’s going on. She’s clueless when Tess and Gabe show up.
Agent Reynolds calls Vincent and tells him about Zach’s record, ordering Vincent to take the other beast out. Vincent is reluctant, having served and been friends with this guy that he thought was a good man before Muirfield got involved. He goes to find Zach at the same church, and Zach again says he will make Vincent suffer before leaving and heading to the reunion.
Zach steals a mascot uniform from a guy Cat stood up for in high school, and walks right into the dance area in it. Zach and Vincent fight again, and this time when Zach goes after Cat as she lies injured on the floor, Vincent grabs him and snaps his neck, killing him. And there goes the newest beast in town!
Tess brings up Gabe’s feelings for Cat yet again, and he replies wondering if she knows. Tess will only say maybe. She would almost definitely approve of him being with Cat over Vincent, whom she has proven to not be a fan of.
Cat and Vincent talk a little after everyone has left the reunion, and he tells her he’s finally realizing how much she’s sacrificed for him. He promises to make it up to her once his missions are complete, before leaving.
Gabe goes to Cat after Vincent leaves and reassures her, reminding her that she’s been dealing with a lot. Including, of course, figuring out the identity of her father, and while they are talking, Cat shows him some old photos from her high school days.
In the background of a shot from her graduation, Agent Reynolds stands out. Cat has the sudden realization, thanks to some clues she put together earlier in the episode, that Reynolds is her biological father. This reveal is sure to stir up some drama on Beauty and the Beast!