The hunt for Tony Barnes is still at a high. It makes it a little difficult that Cat and Tess can’t work on the case directly since their boss is breathing down their neck, so they recruit Vincent to look into some leads that Cat’s put together. The first lead is a potential catacomb that indicates an underground cave. Cat found this by spilling some coffee and hearing a strange, hollow, dripping sound. Cat and Vincent explore the cave and find it holds a furnace filled with incinerated human bones. Tess finds a way to get the case added to their workload, officially, and the ladies bring in Sam for questioning. Sam IDs Gabe from a photo hanging on the wall in the station. This ID ramps up Cat’s distrust of him and plays into audience uncertainty of if Gabe is a good guy or a bad guy. To make matters worse, Cat catches Gabe getting a new passport photo taken, while saying he can’t help Cat get a warrant for Sam’s apartment. When she asks him about the picture later, he says it’s because he was planning a romantic Valentine’s Day getaway for them. That explains the plane tickets that Vincent and JT discover, but things are still highly suspicious. The guys also find that a vial of JT’s beast serum that Gabe has stashed away – this can’t be explained by anything. Vincent reveals to JT that he’s still in love with Cat at this point. The guys confront Gabe about the vial and Gabe seems to be as confused as anyone about the vial. Gabe swears to Vincent that he had no idea about the vial and Vincent can’t detect any lying with his powers, so it looks like Gabe’s telling the truth – for now. There’s the possibility that Gabe may have found a way to escape lie detection since he is a beast and all. Cat tries to make amends since Gabe is highly offended that she didn’t trust him. The group tables the discussion and heads upstate to Sam and Dana’s vow renewals. We see a little bit more into the backstory of their relationship. Sam and Dana had a nine-year-old son who passed away from complications involving a clinical trial that Sam was running. On the board of the trial was one Frank Darnell, who was the fake Tony Barnes. This ends up leading the group back to Sam as a potential mastermind trying to manipulate everyone. This is confirmed by the revelation that Sam planted a bomb underneath the chapel where the vow renewal was taking place. The group decides to let the bomb detonate as planned so Sam won’t realize that he’s been found out. Gabe confronts Sam which is dangerous, to say the least. As the bomb goes off, Vincent uses his speed to save Cat and Gabe. The group decides to let Sam think that Dana and Gabe died in the blast so he won’t suspect they’re onto him. Dana’s devastated to find that she doesn’t know the man she’s been living with as her husband. Sam thinks he got away with murder. Cat and Gabe decide to give their relationship a real shot. Vincent is sadly still alone. Tune in next week to see how the group deals with Sam and what happens next on Beauty and the Beast!