Benjamin Ebbesen teases new side of character Erik Nielsen in season three of Norwegian drama Rykter

The Norwegian drama Rykter has taken fans by storm, and we have all you need to know about season three, which is out now! Before the season was released, we Facetimed with Benjamin Ebbesen who stars as the title character Erik Nielsen to learn more about his character, the new season, and his experience while filming. 

Rykter, pronounced Rumors in English, is a teen drama series based on the life of Erik Nielsen, who moves to the fictional island Vesterøy to live with his mother where he tries to hide the reason why he had to move. Yet, rumors and the past always seem to catch up. The show’s global popularity has led to two successful seasons, and the third season premiered on August 19. American viewers can watch the first three seasons on YouTube. 

“It’s crazy how you get to know each other really fast [on set].”

Benjamin, who was still in high school during season one of the show, told us the funny story of how he came to portray Erik. After sending in a self tape, he received a call to come in for an audition the next day. It was Benjamin’s first time reading the script and he didn’t have much time to prep, so much of the audition was improvised. He joked that his nerves for the audition were a perfect fit for the quiet and nervous Erik in season one.  

Benjamin also said many of the actors from the show, which stars Teo Tomczuvk, Alisa Sussman, Sissilja Garen, and more, are newer to the acting world. Benjamin and his co-stars often rehearsed and played off one another which made the experience filming that much more of a fun learning process.

“Many of the actors from Rykter have never done acting before, so we have all grown together in some ways.”

We asked Benjamin about filming intimate scenes with Teo Tomczuck, and he learned how to embrace the awkwardness of acting and get comfortable in front of a camera. The two developed a strong chemistry off set, which helped to not take things too seriously.

“Having a good mood and playing with stuff and not taking things too seriously is important.”

Through three seasons, Erik has evolved. From being quieter and guarded in season one to slightly opening up in season two, Benjamin said to expect a new side of Erik in season three. Will this new side of Erik be for the better or worse? You’ll have to watch to find out. 

“In season three and season four, you’re going to see new sides of [Erik].”

Thank you, Benjamin, for Facetiming with Young Entertainment! Follow him on his Instagram at @beggaminn. Make sure to watch the rest of the interview where we ask him about his first day on set, funny bloopers and behind-the-scenes moments, and stay tuned till the end for a round of rapid fire questions.While you’re there, be sure to like, comment, and subscribe to our channel for the latest news in young entertainment!

Consider this: 

  • Don’t take things too seriously. Acting can be embarrassing at times, but embrace the awkwardness! 
  • A good way to memorize lines is to practice with other people. Have friends or family or co-stars read with you, so you can get the experience of saying your lines while also acting them out.
