Ya Movies
Catch it here first! We are on the lookout for the freshest, hottest and coolest YA trailers as they come out, with the bare basics laid out for your enjoyment. Watch this space and enjoy, coming soon to a theater near you!
Catch it here first! We are on the lookout for the freshest, hottest and coolest YA trailers as they come out, with the bare basics laid out for your enjoyment. Watch this space and enjoy, coming soon to a theater near you!
Olivia Holt Didn
Check out this week
Top Singles to hit the Web
London's underworld is no place for a young woman, even one who is strong, smart and part-automaton like Mila.
While Hollywood is a town where it definitely helps to get your foot in the door by having parents in the industry, sometimes those parents can cause a long shadow that is hard to break out of.
When Nell and Layla were little, Nell used to call them Nellaya.
The best songs from this week in TV.
Abdi Taalib thought he was moving to Australia for a music scholarship.
The Fault In Our Stars, affectionately known as TFIOS by fans, by John Green was released in January 2012.