Break Out The Tissues For The OriginalsApr
The Originals went big last night, revealing that an ominous opponent is already amongst the group. A favorite. Continue reading
The Originals went big last night, revealing that an ominous opponent is already amongst the group. A favorite. Continue reading
The most recent episode of Reign, the CW's new breakout show, was definitely a major one. Finally, the entire. Continue reading
In last night's episode, stories got deeper than usual with the topic of secrets and fears and how the people we. Continue reading
Felix is a grandfather. He has achieved much in his life and is widely admired in the community. He has mostly buried the painful memories of his childhood, but they resurface when his granddaughter Zelda comes to stay with him...
Never, Kentucky is not your average scenic small town.
After Julie's grandmother passes away, she is forced to move across town to the not-so-fancy end of Beverly Hills and start over at a new school.
A magical Faberge egg glows within the walls of Russia's Winter Palace.
While not a direct sequel, The Marked Ones is sure to have plenty of scares.