Ya Books Survive Young Adult Mag
"Jane is on a plane on her way home to Monclair, New Jersey, from a mental hospital. She is about to kill herself. Just before she can swallow a lethal dose of pills, the plane hits turbulence and everything goes black...
Ya Music Contrast Young Adult Mag
In the UK Conor has just hit the number one spot on Shazam
Ya Author Interview Author Interview Heidi R Kling Young Adult Mag
Heidi R. Kling, Author of Books: The Spellspinners of Melas County – Witch's Brew and The. Continue reading
Ya Story The Link Young Adult Mag
Sixteen-year-old Kai was struggling to meet his goals at school. Aside from tutor-time and PE where there is nothing to excel at except a 100%...
Ya Books Anything But Ordinary Young Adult Mag
"Bryce remembers it like it was yesterday. The scent of chlorine. The blinding crack and flash of pain. Blood in the water...
Ya Casting Dr Strange To Hit The Big Screen Young Adult Mag
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Ya Movies Paranorman Young Adult Mag
The new 3D stop-motion comedy thriller from animation company LAIKA, retiming the company with Focus Features after the groundbreaking Academy Award-nominated 'Coraline'...
Ya Books Innocent Darkness The Aether Chronicles 1 Young Adult Mag
"When spirited sixteen-year-old Noli Braddock and her best friend Steven ""V"" Darrow take a flying car out for a joyride, neither expects Noli to be sent to reform school to mend her hoyden ways...
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"The fate of feudal Japan hangs in the balance in this bloody conclusion to the epic trilogy...