“Everything Sucks” Review

Netflix’s newest show is called “Everything Sucks.” But rest assured, “Everything Sucks” doesn’t suck. In fact, it’s the perfect series for fans of Netflix and fans of nostalgia alike.

The show takes place in 1996 in the town of Boring, Oregon. The show follows Luke, who just began his freshman year. He’s finding his way along with his friends McQuade and Tyler. The three boys join the school’s A/V club, where Luke meets Kate. Kate is a sophomore, who also happens to be the principal’s daughter. Kate may be shy, but she becomes the object of Luke’s affection. While A/V club is considered nerdy, Luke uses his ‘nerdy’ instincts and interests to get Kate’s attention and make his mark on high school.

While the show takes place over 20 years ago, viewers would never know if it wasn’t for the wardrobe and the hit 90s music. The teenagers in “Everything Sucks” are characters that everyone can sympathize with, primarily because they’re so easy to relate to. Even though these characters don’t have any cell phones or Apple products in sight, young viewers will still see themselves in these characters. No matter what generation viewers are a part of, they will see their own high school experience in “Everything Sucks” all the same.

But what sets this show apart from others is the young cast. Jahi Watson stars as Luke, and those who don’t know him should learn his name before he takes the world by storm. Jahi’s charisma jumps off the screen and straight into viewers’ hearts, even in Luke’s more coy moments. Luke’s best friends, McQuade and Tyler, are played by Rio Mangini and Quinn Liebling, respectively. These characters may be nerdy, but man, are they lovable. With the biggest laughs of the show, McQuade and Tyler are everything that makes great TV friends: loyalty, reliability, and a sense of humor that won’t quit. The scenes that the three boys share are some of the best of the series, simply because all three of them play these characters so incredibly well. 

Rounding out the main cast is Peyton Kennedy, who plays leading lady, Kate. The interesting part is that Peyton Kennedy is the youngest member of the cast, but she plays what may be the most mature and emotionally-heavy character on the show. Peyton has such a endearing and realistic take on her character, and audiences are sure to fall in love with her portrayal. No spoilers, but Kate’s character is dealing with finding herself in a major way that hasn’t often been seen on screen. Kate’s portrayal should be glorified for its representation, and Peyton Kennedy’s performance should be celebrated as well.

(Also, keep your fingers crossed for Sydney Sweeney and Elijah Stevenson to become series regulars if the show is picked up for a second season. Sweeney and Stevenson play the King and Queen Bee of the school’s drama club, named Emaline and Oliver. These two characters demand and command attention, but they are played brilliantly by Sweeney and Stevenson. It’s pure fun every time they are on screen together. And Elijah Stevenson is bound to become the show’s heartthrob.)

Whether you’re looking for a nostalgic look back at the 90s, a realistic and heartbreaking portrayal of high school, or simply some unique characters that will give you a laugh, “Everything Sucks” is exactly what to watch. Simply put, “Everything Sucks,” doesn’t suck. Not even a little.

The first season of “Everything Sucks” comes to Netflix this Friday, February 16th. For more of YEM’s coverage of “Everything Sucks,” click here.

