Our world is piercing, always moving always screaming
As Ole-Luk-Oie said, the only time we are quiet is when we are dreaming
So dust upon me your sand and cast over me your umbrella
For I want only to dream of Prince Charming and Cinderella
Those without dreams sleep heavy, awaken tired
But those who do dream rise ready, inspired
You might find these notions silly, even juvenile
But when the sun rises I will wake with a smile
Some things we remember, some we forget
Some things we hold dear, some we repress
One thing to remember is that time is a treasure
Because life is precious and it won’t last forever
Life doesn’t wait, time doesn’t stop
There is no sandman to turn back the clock
You can’t press rewind, you can’t take back tears
So now is the time to cherish these years
Abandon your efforts of building that tesseract
For that is all fiction, not nearly a fact
We cannot fold back the wrinkles in time
So embrace your present and let your soul shine