While we know that Glee likely won’t offer any actual explanation for the death of character Finn Hudson within the show, we will see a number of past faces returning to mourn the loss of one of McKinley High’s favorite sons. The show’s creators are splitting the episode into two Beatles themed episodes entitled “Love, Love, Love” and “Tina in the Sky With Diamonds.” Expect plenty of tears as Mr. Schuester encourages the group to sing it out. We also know one alumni makes a big decision about the future. At the Hudson-Hummel home, Kurt, Burt and Carole sort through Finn’s belongings and what begins as a somber occasion blossoms into a poignant and much needed family moment. We know Rachel sings a heart-rendering version of Yesterday by the Beatles…and a more appropriate song couldn’t be chosen. On the adult front, Emma grows concerned because she thinks Will is so busy taking care of others that he’s not allowing himself time to grieve; Santana struggles with using her “bitch” mask to hide her feelings for Finn, and has a nasty run in with Bree, McKinley’s “New Santana”; and following a heart-to-heart with Coach Beiste, Puck honors Finn’s memory by making a life-changing decision about his future. Going forward, expect a slightly more mature, somber tone. Tune into Glee Thursday nights on Fox. Check local listings for times.