Adam Lambert’s back! Sue’s going femme? Mr. S goes MIA! Puppets! So much happened on this week’s episode of Glee, it’s hard to begin to recap. While puppets aren’t groundbreaking, Glee employed them in a way that provided artful reflection on our beloved characters and freshened things up. This was one of the best episodes to date! Mr. S. is missing for the first part of the episode, so Blaine steps up and tries to dictate a number for nationals. He spins out way fast and the rest of the group is tasked with reigning him in. Kurt is of no help to him either, as he’s dealing with the life of being a manager and a creative. Tough stuff. Kurt’s performance kicks off an hour of puppet fantasy that’s used as a masterful commentary on our McKinley high favorites and alums. It takes place mostly in Blaine’s mind as his idea was shot down. When he snaps out of it he turns to Jake who is dealing with a pregnancy scare with Bree. Rough. Sue becomes permanent principal of the school but it’s not enough to win the affections of the new superintendent that she’s crushing on. Le sigh. Blane serves detention with Becky and Jake and learns he has to give up control in his life a bit. Kurt’s foray into leadership proved successful with his band booking a second gig. Score one for Kurt. Hopefully subsequent episodes embrace this sense of play and joy. The upcoming Christmas episode should be a good start! Tune in and find out!