
Will and Emma cuddle in "Trio"

We can’t believe Glee has been on for five seasons already, however the writers still manage to surprise us! On this week’s episode, “Trio” some of the biggest news we’ve ever gotten – There’s going to be a baby Schue!! That’s right, Emma is pregnant. She’s been trying for a while and the second they stopped, she announced that she was pregnant. While that family is going to become a…trio…Sam, Blaine and Tina were dealing with trio drama of their own. The group is preparing a song for graduation but it ended with Becky locking them in the gym because she felt left out. Tina and Sam…made out as a result! Curveballs abound.

Back in New York, Rachel and Santana are still fighting after last week’s drama, and now Starchild is involved. Rachel moves in with him, and to get back at her Santana starts paying him to help her with extra rehearsals. This cases Starchild to get sick of the drama and tell Kurt he quit the band. As a result, the girls got kicked out and a new trio was formed – One Three Hill. The girls come to a sort of a truce after realizing it’s hard to make it in the city.

Next week we’ll see the group back at home head to Nationals. We predict they’ll win (maybe with a little surprise help from Pamela Lansbury?) but again, competition’s been tight. Tweet us your #GleeNationals predictions @YAmzine!