While tepidly received at best, the film version of Meyer’s book scores minor points for its suggestion that, much like human beings, an alien race can be capable of both good as well as evil. Read the YA review of the film here.
Way back before they hit it big, indie rock band Imagine Dragons (whose track ìRadioactiveî is featured on The Host’s soundtrack) sat down with YA for an interview. Read it here!
One of the two smoldering boys from The Host, brit Max Irons, is currently filming the grand-sounding BBC series The White Queen, about ruthless women caught up in the race for the British throne, based on Philippa Gregory’s historical series The Cousin’s War.
With the film having been produced last year, the studio was perhaps rushed to get The Host out before Twilight-infused Stephenie Meyer fandom died down too much; Meyer has yet to complete the second novel in the series (the first topped the bestseller list upon its release in 2008).