Justin Chon started his acting career at the age of 21. His father was an actor in South Korea and his mother majored in piano. He came from an “artsy household” and had the support of his parents when he made the decision to go into acting.
Justin plays the role of Jeff Chang in his new movie 21 and Over, due to come out on March 1st. Jeff is 3rd or 4th generation Chinese/American and was “crazy” in high school, but tried to “shape up”. He loved to party but his father put great pressure on him. The night before Jeff was supposed to go to his medical school interview, his “dummy friends” convince him to go out for “one beer”. To see what happens next, you’ll have to watch the movie.
Justin himself loves to party as well, and was able to relate to Jeff since “a big part of me is in this role”.
As an aside, the Twilight films amounted to a great experience for Justin. It was “a great journey,” one in which he forged a lot of new friendships and had a good time. Over last summer, he directed his first feature film entitled “MAN-UP!” in Oahu, Hawaii, and is flying back to Hawaii shortly.
Justin’s advice for anyone interested in acting is “learn your craft, learn how to act, go to acting school…get proper training. You can’t be a surgeon without going to medical school.” He would love to be in a film with Mark Ruffalo or Crispin Glover, or with “younger kids, more contemporary than me.” He also commented that he would like to work with Miles Teller again, a fellow actor in 21 AND OVER.
Justin is currently reading ONE DAY by David Nicholls, and POUNDING NAILS IN THE FLOOR WITH MY FOREHEAD by Eric Bogosian. He hopes everyone will come to see 21 AND OVER, of course. It’s “crazy and entertaining. I’m very excited about it and hope people will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it!”
Thank you, Justin, for your time and good luck in all your future endeavors!