Lea Michele has been a regular on Glee for five seasons and he career has really taken off in the meantime. She has been through many of the male regulars on the show as we documented in our Top 12 Glee Couples article. Her time with Finn was cut way too short by his untimely death even though it felt as though they were together the whole series. In reality, she had dalliances with Puck and Jesse, amongst others!
Since Finn’s death, Rachel has had no new love interests. While audiences may want to see the drama unfold in her love life again, it seems as though she may need some time to heal and work on her character before finding a new boy. It seems like the perfect time to do so. Best guesses tell us that Rachel will remain single this season unless a new, amazing boy comes in and sweeps her off her feet. Time will tell!
In Lea’s film career, things are picking up at a quick pace. Lea is voicing Dorothy in ‘Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return.’ Rumor has it that the movie makes audiences feels as though they are living in a revival of the classic tale of the ‘Wizard of Oz.’ The movie is in theaters May 9th. You can also check out Lea weekly on Glee.