If I could be anywhere in time
I’d be watching you in nineteen hundred and sixty nine
In Bethel, New York at Yasgur’s Farm
Covered in mud and free from harm
As “The Star Spangled Banner” sails through my ears
I listen, I feel it, forget all of my fears
Your guitar is wailing, rockets are falling
Half a million people, the crowd is appalling
When you played with The Casuals you were a soldier of war
But your sound went further it was hard to ignore
I bet you never thought you were destined to teach
>From you we learned when love exceeds power the world will know peace
Twenty seven years old and full of soul
God only knows, you were born to rock and roll
With four short years of mainstream influence
Where would we be without your two cents?
When time turned to tragedy, you were taken too young
Had you any idea what was to come?
Your contribution lives on, a legend of your time
You taught the guitar a new language, you were one of a kind
A leader of music, rhythm and electric sound
I think Little Richard would have been proud
On September eighteenth you finally kissed the sky
You changed the world through music because “Music doesn’t lie”
Because of you I understand peace is a mission
I know when to speak and I know when to listen
Now I know you watch from above
As you still wail your ‘Message of Love’