Little Luke isn’t so little anymore. iSpy, the most recent episode of Modern Family, dealt with a lot of boundary and trust issues. Hayley was being vague about a gallery show for a photography class she’s taking…but for once she wasn’t the main troublemaker. Luke lied to his mom about going to hang out with some sketchy kids from class. She used an app to track down his whereabouts to a hangout where kids like to get high. Claire obviously freaked, dragged Phil down there with her to spy on Luke. Phil uses a drone to spy on him, but it reveals that all of their activities are totally benign. Maybe they should have trusted him a little more. Luke spotted them trying to sneak away unnoticed. Claire also roped Alex into doing a little spy work for her, also, by figuring out that Hayley’s gallery thing was a big deal. Mitch and Cam also deal with trust issues of their own, albeit lighter ones. Mitch goes out to eat with a friend who swears him to secrecy about the fact that he just got calf implants. Cam ends up getting the information out from Mitch but not before they go back and forth several rounds. The family shows up at the gallery much to Hayley’s dismay. When the kids all gang up on Claire about being overprotective, she maintains that as their mother, she has a right and a responsibility to protect them. Everyone refocuses, however, on a personal triumph of Hayley’s, when she sells a photograph. Have you ever had problems with your parents not trusting you? Do you think Claire crossed a line? What about Cam? Tweet about #ModernFamily @YAmzine to let us know!