Morgan Matson explores the beauty in the unexpected in new romantic comedy story The Ballad of Darcy & Russell

Morgan Matson turns a travel disaster into an unexpected adventure in her new book The Ballad of Darcy & Russell, which was published on May 7. Darcy has always believed in love at first sight but just hasn’t met the one yet. When she becomes stranded after a music festival on the day before she leaves for college, her life is anything but perfect. But when she meets Russell, her life changes instantly. Morgan explores the question of whether you can fall in love in less than a day, and YE texted with Morgan to learn more about the inspiration behind the story, Darcy and Russel’s relationship, and her writing process. 

Young Entertainment Magazine

Hey! Thanks for the text! It’s so much fun being able to chat with authors like this.

I feel like texting can sometimes be a meet-cute, if like wires got crossed and people gave you the wrong number, lol.

If you were to do a Google search to find The Ballad of Darcy and Russell, how would you finish the sentence typed into Google “I’m looking for a book that’s ______ .” 

Swoony, funny, a little heartbreaking, and hopeful.

How do you think Russell would describe Darcy in 3 words? 

Smart, stubborn, wonderful.

What are some things that helped you get into Darcy’s mindset? 

I really thought a lot about how I felt heading to college! I was – ambivalent to say the least lol. I wanted to show someone really approaching a life change with dread – and then come around to seeing it as an adventure by the end of the story.

“I wanted to show someone really approaching a life change with dread – and then come around to seeing it as an adventure by the end of the story.”

If Darcy were to describe Russell in 3 emojis what do you think they would be (and you can text them here)? 


Why was this music festival so important to Darcy? 

It’s the last thing she’s doing before she goes across the country to attend a college she’s not excited about. She wants one last adventure – and gets more than she planned on!

“She wants one last adventure – and gets more than she planned on!”

What do you think Darcy’s Roman Empire is? 

It would definitely have something to do with puns. She loves them!

What’s one thing you do before you start writing anything? 

I spend a LOT of time thinking about the characters! Who they are, who their families are, etc. Lots of it never makes it into the book – but I have to know it before I can begin.

“I spend a LOT of time thinking about the characters!”

What is your favorite thing about Russell? 

He’s really kind, and really hopeful. (Whoops I guess that’s two things?)

If you could spend the weekend with any character from The Ballad of Darcy and Russell, who would it be and why? 

I’d love to spend time with Darcy’s BFFs Didi and Katy. They seem like a LOT of fun – I loved getting to write them.

If you could collaborate with any YA author of today who would it be and what type of book would you want to write with them? 

I’d love to write with my friend Victoria Aveyard! She writes big fantasy epics, so it would be a big change for me!

“She writes big fantasy epics, so it would be a big change for me!”

What is your all-time favorite YA Book that you can go back to and read over and over again? 

I love anything by Jennifer E. Smith – The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight is an all time fave.

“I love anything by Jennifer E. Smith – The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight is an all time fave.”

Consider this:

  • Find ways to relate to the characters that you are writing! Don’t be afraid to write what you already know or have experienced.
  • Take time to plan out characters and storylines before you begin to write.
