Nashville Weve Got Things To Do Recap

Juliette Barnes (Hayden Panettiere) contemplates her next move.

Just when you think everyone’s done enough, Nashville comes out with an episode like “We’ve Got Things To Do”. Let’s recap what happened in the wake of Juliette signing with Highway 65, Teddy and Megan’s indiscretion…and Will’s big news in this episode. We start off with Maddie having a real teen rebellion series of moments, including bad grades and too much makeup. It culminates with Maddie freaking out on Teddy and telling him she wants to go live with Deacon and uploading a YouTube video of her performing under the name

“Maddie Claybourne.” Burn!

Tandy is still the Highway 65 CFO, just barely. Juliette’s antsy for Rayna to announce her signing with Highway 65 but reluctantly agrees to hold off and boot Edgehill artists Will and Layla off the rest of her tour. We have a feeling she wasn’t totally broken up about that last part. Juliette’s on edge and picks a fight with Avery about him producing the rest of Scarlett’s album. That doesn’t go over well so she does what she does best – Juliette takes matters into her own hands and announces that she’s a new Highway 65 artist. Rayna’s not happy since Juliette ignored her entire strategy. In order to do damage control, the two of them do a duet at the Opry.

Deacon and Megan have some tension – and he’s too involved in prepping for his new gig with Luke Wheeler to realize it’s because of Teddy. Speaking of, is it just us, or do Megan and Teddy have some serious chemistry? Layla hires Brent to be her new manager, much to Will’s dismay. In order to keep everyone talking about the things they’re SUPPOSED to be talking about…Will PROPOSES to Layla. That’s right, as in marriage. Do you think this is going to all come to a head? We have a feeling that Will’s old bandmate is going to bring the truth to light. What did you think of the new episode? Tweet us @YAmzine with predictions about Luke, Layla, Teddy, Deacon and more!