Well the month of March was a very eventful month indeed. I was on the edge of the couch most of the time wondering what is going to happen next. We’re going to start with the scenes that show the past so that you can understand the present.
Snow learns a valuable lesson from her mother in kindness, but sadly just before snow’s birthday her mother becomes very ill. This forces Snow to go and seek out the blue fairy, who gives her a candle. However there’s a catch, in order to use the candle to save her mother, somebody else needs to die. Now of coarse young snow just doesn’t have the heart to take another life, and this results in the death of her mother. We quickly learn that it was in fact Cora who poisoned the queen, disguised herself as the Blue Fairy and gave Snow the candle.
We also learn about the rise of Cora, who started out as a miller’s daughter. She told the king she could turn straw to gold when she really couldn’t. And that’s where Rumple came into her life. He taught her magic, it got hot and steamy, and then she broke his heart by ripping out her own. Destroying all the love she had for him. Just so that she could marry the prince and be Queen.
Mary Margaret seeks out her childhood nanny after receiving a very special gift from Johanna on her birthday. She also discovers that Regina and Cora are looking to Mr. Gold’s Dagger. Mary confronts Regina at the restaurant and offers her a chance to come to the good side, but Regina declines.
Hook travels to New York to kill the crocodile, and he almost succeeded…He managed to get Gold in the chest with his hook that he had laced with poison. For some reason Neil seemed to know who he was too, hinting that he may be peter pan? Emma then locked hook in the basement. While walking to go get a car, Emma finds out that Neil has a fiancée, Tamara. And she doesn’t seem all that thrilled about it either.
Back in Storybrook, Mary and David find the dagger, but Cora manages to get her hands on it after confessing to the murder of Snow’s mother. Regina and Cora then kill Johanna just to get under Mary’s skin. Knowing that the evil won’t stop, Mary promises that she will kill
Cora and end this for good. While trying to help protect Mr. Gold from Cora, Emma gets in touch with her inner magic and casts her very first spell. Mary followed through with her promise when Gold gave her THE candle. Mary broke into Regina’s vault and used the spell on Cora’s heart. She then tricked Regina into returning Cora’s heart to her body, killing her.
After Cora’s death we learn about the first few days of Storybrook. Regina had just finished completing the curse, but as the days go on she realizes she isn’t happy. We meet a father and his son Owen. Regina tries to keep them in Storybrook to be with her but that plan fails when she is caught by the father holding the heart of the sheriff. Regina gets the sheriff to arrest the father, but the son gets away vowing to come back one day and find his dad. We also learn more about August (Pinocchio) and his past with Neil’s fiancée Tamara. How he had ripped her off for thousands to pay a medicine man for his ‘condition’ (by condition I mean his leg turning to wood).
Regina grieves over the loss of her mother, and tries to kill Mary, but Gold protects her, Forcing Regina to give up on her revenge. Mary can’t live with the pain of killing another and she begs Regina to kill her, Regina rips out her heart and shows her that her heart is turning black, she then puts it back and says she would rather watch Mary suffer. Just behind the bushes in a car was the man who had got into that car accident a few episodes back. He’s been trying to collect evidence of magic, and he just found all the evidence he needed. He also shows us that he in fact is little Owen, back from when Storybrook had just appeared.
Neil‘s fiancée Tamara makes her way to Storybrook. When Neil tried to tell her everything she got all upset and left, going to the Diner to do some eavesdropping.
Mary ventures out to the woods to get some alone time and soon discovers that August is living in an old run down trailer. But there is a problem; he is completely made out of wood.
When Mary returns to the Diner to tell Emma and Gipetto the good news, Tamara heard them talking and decided to pay a visit to August. She threatens him to get out of town but August chose not to listen and tried to warn Emma about Tamara and who she really was. But before he could Tamara kills him with a Taser gun. Luckily the blue Fairy recognized his death as a brave, selfless and true act, and was able to bring him back to life, but as a boy not a man. And unfortunately he can’t remember what he was trying to warn Emma about. After everything had settled down we find out that Tamara and Owen is actually an ‘item’. Uh oh, now the story’s getting more interesting.
I seriously want to know what’s going to happen with Mary’s blackening heart and see if Neil is the peter pan we’ve all been hearing about. How about Tamara and Owen? Are they going to expose Storybrook’s magic to the world? Or is Tamara going to continue her killing spree? Next month’s episodes should be pretty interesting, and I can’t wait to watch!