At the beginning of The New Neverland, Ariel and Eric kiss for the first time after Hook’s ship suddenly appears. Instead of Ariel feeling angry about the missed opportunity, everybody gets a warm welcome, including Henry, who is actually Peter Pan in disguise.
Gold shares a kiss with Belle and then he quickly makes sure that he is the only one able to open Pandora’s Box. Of course, it’s actually Henry in there. The gang then heads over to Granny’s to celebrate, where Tink and Blue have a strange run-in.
Speaking of awkward, Emma is getting a weird vibe from Henry, since he doesn’t recognize his storybook and then asks to stay at Regina’s. Ouch! But one person who does want to spend the night at Emma’s is Neal, as he asks her to meet him at the diner tomorrow for lunch. A word of advice to Neal: You may want to get yourself on Match.com, since Emma’s not exactly in a frisky mood right now.
The next day, Gold gives David the elixir for his Dreamshade wound. David downs it, and he’s cured. Piece of cake! Snow sees Neal at a booth alone, so David has to find Emma. Emma is concerned about Henry, but David says she has to enjoy life’s moments.
While at Regina’s, Henry — who’s really Pan — asks about Regina’s cellar, but Regina won’t let him go there. When she leaves, “Henry” summons his shadow, who runs around taking other shadows. One of those unfortunate people is the Blue Fairy, although there’s talk of using the candle to bring her back to life. But if Blue is dead for good, she’d better pray Tink doesn’t ask to speak at her funeral.
Emma is feeling more certain about Henry not being himself, so she gets Gold to open Pandora’s Box outside of the city limits. When Peter emerges, he convinces everyone that he’s actually Henry. So they head to Regina’s vault, where the real Pan has knocked Regina out and is causing havoc. Pan loves havoc, doesn’t he?
Gold finally manages to unlock the doors to the vault and revives Regina. But the real Pan isn’t there, and everyone realizes that he swiped the curse that will make everyone forget who they are. And this time, Emma can’t break it. We then see Peter tell Felix that he plans to turn Storybrooke into the new Neverland. Oh well.
In this week’s flashback, Charming convinces Snow to take their honeymoon at her parents’ Summer Palace. However, Snow’s focus is not post-wedding play time with Charming, much to his dismay, but cutting off Medusa’s head and sending it to Regina.
But decapitating Medusa and using her head to turn Regina to stone is not as easy as it looks. In fact, Charming himself gets turned to stone by Medusa, so Snow has to force Medusa to stare at her own reflection in the shield, which turns Medusa into stone and saves Charming. Thank goodness! Snow and Charming are soon to start a family and we can’t wait! Can you?