“Close Encounters” picked up where “Love ShAck” left off. The girls made it to the inn but not in time and only managed to find a message from A. Emily goes to church, because, obvs. Spencer had to deal with her dad at Toby’s. The two go head to head about Mrs. DiLaurentis. Hanna gives away her clothes which helps her get over Caleb. Shana harasses Emily, eventually giving her a message from Ali. Or so we’re supposed to believe. Toby’s been offered a settlement by Hastings but that involves a restrictive gag order. Aria decides to choose Ezra, as if there were really a choice. Jake sees Ezra being sketchy and yelling at a mysterious woman. Supposedly, Ezra was meeting with Maggie’s lawyer to try and track down Malcom. Please more Ezra being sketchy, always. Travis rebuffs Hanna because he doesn’t want to be her rebound. Spencer snoops through her dad’s stuff and finds a file that shows Mrs. DiLaurentis is on the board of Radley. Shana drops Emily off at a hotel so she can reunite with Ali. Looks like Shana really did have tabs on Ali. This was the shocker of the episode. The girls are interrupted by Spencer, who followed Emily. Ali runs when Spencer show up. This causes a fight between Spencer and Emily; Spencer thinks Ali is trying to pit the girls against one another. Hanna calls Caleb for (more closure). Ezra and Aria are back in a good place. Jake injures himself during practice as someone’s been messing with his stuff. Who do you think is after Jake? Did Ali’s reemergence surprise you? Tune into PLL every Tuesday to see what happens!