Young Adult: You knew at an early age that you wanted to be an actor. What made you choose this career, and how did you know so young? Josh Feldman: When I was in 3rd grade I was doing a lot of speeches in class so my mom asked if I wanted to take an acting class. She signed me up and I went to the first class. When I walked out of the first class, I hated it. My mom said she already paid for the class so I should go back 1 more time and give it 1 more shot. If I didn’t like it, then I wouldn’t have to go back. I went back and it wasn’t bad. I went back the 3rd week and when I came out, I told my mom I was going to be an actor and to go get me an agent! That was it. I loved acting and becoming new characters.
YA: I heard that you’re currently working on a documentary about your brother. Would you mind telling us about it? JF: My brother is a competitive swimmer. He just turned 10 and in the year that he’s been swimming he’s accomplished so much. This summer he missed going to the Junior Olympics by 0.2 of a second. I decided to do a documentary about him and how he is working to accomplish his goal. There is so much hard work from him and my parents to get him to his goal. My parents have never pushed us to do anything. They have always said try a lot of things like sports, art, music and find your passion. They want us to find our passion. (that’s their big thing). My passion is acting and film and Jakob’s is swimming. As soon as he started swimming this is the only thing on his mind. So my film is about passion and getting to your dream. Jakob told my mom he’s taking her to Rio in 4 years. If he makes it, he will be the youngest swimmer there at 14. Making this film to show how goals are set and working toward the goals has been a very cool project. Jakob has already made WAG, which is a huge meet in Vegas where he’ll be competing in December. It may be a good time to do a sequel documentary 🙂

YA: You do a lot of charity work for cancer. What makes you so passionate about it? What do you hope to accomplish? What do you love about it? What’s the hardest part? JF: I do a lot of charity work because it’s important for everyone to give back. No matter how much or how little you have you should work to help others. (that’s what my parents always tell us). I love helping kids and seeing them happy. When I was 8, I was in the hospital for a couple of days and it was the scariest time of my life. The nurse brought in a toy for me and it cheered me up. Children’s Hospital LA is a great hospital for kids and great cause. If I can help other kids feel a little happier even for a short time, then it’s good. The hardest part is knowing that some of these kids are very sick. I was lucky that I was in and out of the hospital in just a couple of days, but other kids are not that lucky. There are a lot of great charities out there and I go to events to support many of them. I just seem to be pulled toward those with kids and kids causes.
YA: You’ve had spots on several hit shows and co-starred with many big actors. What was that like? JF: It’s been great to work with some actors that I’ve seen on TV and in movies. Watching them work and learning from them has been great. I’ve got some cool memories and experiences that I could never have had if I wasn’t an actor. -On the Closer, Kiera Sedgewick and I were on location at the original bat cave looking up and watching bats fly around. -On Santa Paws 2, I worked with Cheryl Ladd who was one of the original Charlies Angels and is so beautiful and nice! She gave me a gift basket full of caramel apples, chocolates and treats for halloween because I was working the entire day. But I still dressed up!! (I was a psycho clown) -On Santa Paws 2, I got to skate with the director Robert Vince who used to play hockey professionally. That was cool!
YA: What’s been your favorite role so far? Why? JF: I loved playing Carter in Santa Paws 2. One of the main reasons was that you could see a big change in Carter during the movie. In the beginning he’s sad because his mom has died. During the movie I get to be sad, angry and then show a more happy side. I like dramatic parts where I get to show lots of emotions. It’s fun to be all over the place with emotions when you are acting.
YA: If you could live as any one of your characters, who would it be? JF: My problem is that every character that i’ve been has pretty much had someone close to him die or become possessed! But being Carter in Santa Paws 2 would probably be the most fun. He’s a hockey player, lives in a cool town and hopefully if they decide to do a 3rd movie, then Carter can get to go to the North Pole and meet Santa and see the workshop. That would be awesome!
YA: You’re playing the lead role in Santa Paws 2. How was it, filming the movie? What was your favorite part? JF: I loved filming the movie. We filmed in Fernie, BC which is a very small town in BC. It was like being in a winter wonderland and really helped us feel like we were in Pinevillie. Because we were in such a small town, the cast and crew got very close. I loved being a hockey player in the movie. Skating in my free time in Fernie and having Robert Vince, the director, come and skate with me was very cool. Working with the puppies was one of my favorite parts. They were so cute and fluffy that when they would run they could litterally get lost in the snow. I tried to convince my mom to let me have one of them after filming…but we live in Los Angeles & it wouldn’t be the best place for a 150 pound dog who’s all hair ;-( My mom said if I do one of the buddies movies, then I could have one of the goldens (they are better dogs for LA). Keeping my fingers crossed for a buddies movie.
YA: What are five facts you can tell us about your character in Santa Paws 2? JF: 1. Carter loves hockey 2. Christmas is his favorite holiday 3. His mom recently died 4. loved the muffins Mrs. Clause made 😉 5. loses his christmas spirit
YA: What’s next for you in your acting career and with your charity work? What does your future hold? JF: With my career, I’m finishing up my first project that i’m producing and directing and editing. The documentary about my brother. I’ve been doing a lot of modeling. I’m also looking at scripts deciding on a new film project. With charity work, I will be having a birthday party benefiting CHLA (children’s hospital LA) where the guests will be asked to donate toys for the kids.
YA: Do you have any advice for people that want to be actors or want to help out charities? JF: My advice for people is to not give up. Acting is tough. You may get lots of no’s but when you finally get a yes it feels great. If this is your dream and you have a passion for it; you have to go for it. You also have to have parents that will give up lots so that you can have your dream. Helping with charities is something that anyone can do. You don’t have to be an actor or famous, you just have to want to help people. Find out what you are interested in and contact the organization, they would love to have more volunteers.