If this week’s recap is a little long, bear with us. A TON happened in the most recent episode of Reign, even though the episode focused mostly on one character, a pattern we’ve been seeing more of in the second half of the season. Queen Catherine Medicis was the focus this week and we got to see a little bit more about why she is the way she is e.g. cold hearted snake. We saw her past as a prisoner, and saw early interactions with King Henry. Their passion upon reminiscing about the early years of their marriage clearly sparked something within them as they ended up sleeping together. We learned that Henry isn’t the only one that enjoyed Catherine’s prowess in bed however, as one of the major plot twists revealed Catherine and Richard to be longtime lovers. Major. Nostradamus’s stabbing seems to have just blown over, but we see a little bit more about his relationship with Clarissa this week. We learn that he isn’t her father, as was implied, but rather he was a caretaker of her when she was little and tried to rid her of the birthmark / deformity on her face and unfortunately only made it worse. We see Catherine has a strong reaction to the story, which seems odd considering her heart of stone, but it turns out that Clarissa is Catherine’s daughter BY RICHARD hence the longtime secret. Henry beheaded Richard upon revelation and as a result, Catherine tries to kill Mary. Clarissa ends up saving her and we see her face in full for the first time. Bash and Mary continued their cute campaign and kept a watchful eye out for Isobel’s baby. Were you shocked by the revelations of Catherine’s past? What do you think is next for her, Bash, Mary and Clarissa in the wake of Richard’s death? Tweet us thoughts about #Reign @YAmzine