
The popular show “Girl Meets Word” is currently in its third season on Disney Channel. The show has a huge following with a large amount of fans that are loyal to the show and its stars. Because of the show’s popularity, many were surprised to learn that “Girl Meets World”, which has finished filming its third season, has not yet been renewed for a fourth season. Up to this point, “Girl Meets World” has received news of a season pick-up each year while the previous seasons have been airing on Disney Channel. Fans know this, and have realized that the show would usually have received news of another season by now. The third season finale was filmed months ago, and ever since then, the show’s stars and writers have been encouraging fans to show their support for the “Girl Meets World”.

While fans of “Girl Meets World” are happy to show their support for the show, they’re worried that the show’s third season may be its last. Fans have taken to social media, especially Twitter, with hashtags such as #SaveGMW and #GirlMeetsWorldSeason4. Even the shows stars like Rowan Blanchard have tweeted with these hashtags and asked for fan support. While Disney Channel has yet to announce a fourth season, fans have taken a new approach to getting the show picked up. If Disney Channel doesn’t pick up the show for a fourth season, fans want to see “Girl Meets World” move to the Freeform channel.

Freeform is home to many shows such as “Pretty Little Liars” and “Shadowhunters.” Like ABC and Disney Channel, the Freeform channel is owned by Disney. Seems like a no-brainer to have a Disney owned show like “Girl Meets World” move to another Disney channel like Freeform. Fans have gathered to make this a reality, with twitter accounts such as @MEBBS5 encouraging fans to write notes to the Freeform network asking them to acquire “Girl Meets World” for a fourth season. Another reason fans want to see the show on Freeform is because it will give the show a chance to tackle issues that are too mature for Disney Channel. While “Girl Meets World” has addressed issues such as cultural oppression, identity crises, and Asperger’s Syndrome, fans hope the show will handle more adult topics if it moves to another network. Like its predecessor “Boy Meets World” which tackled issues such as drinking and child abuse, fans hope “Girl Meets World” will tackle similar issues in the future. Shows on Freeform often handle more adult topics such as drug use and sexuality. Fans of “Girl Meets World” are eager to see what topics the show will handle if the show makes a move to the Freeform network.

There still hasn’t been any news on whether “Girl Meets World” will be picked up for another season. But fans aren’t losing hope. They are taking to social media to save the show; a practice that has worked in the past. Back in 2014, the Disney Channel show “Austin and Ally” was in its third season and was facing the possibility of cancellation. When the show’s star Calum Worthy started a campaign to save the show, fans listened. Fans showed their love and support of the show on social media, with over 50 million impressions on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Disney Channel heard the fan response, and soon after, Yahoo reported that the show was picked up for a fourth season. And now “Girl Meets World” fans are trying to do the same. If you’d like to see more of “Girl Meets World,” follow the #SaveGMW and #GirlMeetsWorldSeason4 hashtags on social media. Show your support for the show on Facebook, Twitter, and other forms of social media. And continue to watch the remainder of the show’s third season, Friday nights at 8:30 on Disney Channel.
