Sponsored Content: 5 Romantic Movie Scenarios That Actually Work

Why do we love romance movies and TV shows so much? Because we know that love is really somewhere out there. Too bad that life’s not a movie, right? Well, that’s not quite true. All you need is the right scenario. Here are five examples of relationships that work well both on the big screen and in real life. No century-old vampires, billionaires with helicopters, and half-gods with superpowers though.
“The Fault in Our Stars”

She’s a bit melancholic, shy, and doesn’t get along with people well. But she’s witty, and she’s hiding a romantic deep in her heart. She needs someone to take the first step and truly appreciate her personality. He’s a charismatic and cheerful guy, who sees good in bad and can make anyone feel special. Both are brought together a common problem, but in our case, this can be a common interest, like a Chinese course or dance class.
Why will it work out? Because you’ll always have something to talk about, share, and laugh at. Such a relationship is always easy and natural. And if something goes wrong, you can always remove the romantic part from it.
“(500) Days of Summer”

She’s not genius, not charismatic, and not the prettiest girl around. But she has a charming and funny voice, she’s easygoing, and her sense of humor is perfect. She lives an ordinary life, and, like all other girls of her age, she’s looking for happiness and love. He’s a simple, lonely guy with a huge heart, who’s terribly lacking in inspiration to make his dreams come true.
Why will it work out? He and she live a normal, a bit boring life, not dreaming about something unattainable and frankly unreal. They share favorite songs with each other, eat sandwiches in the park, and just enjoy each other’s company. And that’s great.

He’s a very, very strange guy. It’s hard to say who he is: the last romantic, genius, or just crazy. Her oddities aren’t as noticeable as his, and only her family knows what’s happening inside her head. A mix of weird interests, a unique worldview, and a large dose of irony is what brings the two together.
Why will it work? Because of common dreams and fantasies. He’s talking to his imaginary friend? Fine, she’ll gladly accept that. She likes to watch birds fly? He’ll do it with her. They look in one direction, and this is the guarantee of a successful relationship.
“The Perks of Being a Wallflower”

She’s independent, bright and interesting. He’s a cute, slightly geek-ish, responsible introvert with big loving eyes and a broken heart. Both meet thanks to friends. And this, by the way, is an excellent scenario. Usually, friends are responsible for the lion’s share of successful relationships. And in this case, both get not only a trusted partner but also comfort.
Why will it work out? Because both of them can trust each other. He already knows that she’s ok, and she knows that he’s not a jerk. The risk of facing unexpected problems is minimal.
“Wild Child”

She’s a girl that got a bit confused and got in deep with the wrong company, and now she has to pretend to be a person she’s not. He’s a confident guy, who already has his views, principles, and values figured out. They both go against the system, though in different ways, which eventually brings them together.
Why will it work out? These two discover the best in each other. By coming together, they preferred to change the world around them for the better.


While all these scenarios are potentially successful, in real life, there are still many obstacles that can turn a love story into a drama. Besides, it’s not easy to tell if your crush is looking for something bigger than a simple fling, though it’s still possible. Want to know how? You can read more about it.  
