Star-Crossed, S01E02 – “These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends”



While the pilot of our new favorite show, Star-Crossed, did a lot to explain the backstory and set up the romance at work, episode two got into the nitty-gritty of the show: that is to say, the political push and pull. It centers around Roman’s tribe needing a new leader. We saw Emery’s dad accidentally kill Roman’s dad in the pilot. While that’s complicated enough emotionally, Roman’s dad happened to be one of the four tribe leaders of the Atrians. Roman is the most likely candidate to succeed his dad. That is, until his uncle Castor volunteered for the job.


You’d think that would be a good thing, but Castor used to be a Trag, which lead to trust issues with Roman, understandably. Roman’s at a loss, however, so he decides to turn to his uncle. Several hiccups later, however, Roman decides to step into the role for which he was made. He decides to lead his tribe. Talk about a lot of responsibility, on top of schoolwork.


Back to the romance of it all – Roman and Emery are at odds, to say the least. However tense things may be between them, the fact that her pro-Atrian rant went viral shows that she’s still thinking about him and still, effectually, in his corner. By the way, did you catch that Grayson is a Red Hawk It makes his dealings with Emery more suspect, wouldn’t you say? Also, Tamoh Penikett is a secret Trag. He clearly wants to get Roman out of the way and clear the decks for himself. What did you think of “These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends”? Will you keep watching Star-Crossed? Tweet us @YAmzine and let us know. 




While the pilot of our new favorite show, Star-Crossed, did a lot to explain the backstory and set up the romance at work, episode two got into the nitty-gritty of the show: that is to say, the political push and pull. It centers around Roman’s tribe needing a new leader. We saw Emery’s dad accidentally kill Roman’s dad in the pilot. While that’s complicated enough emotionally, Roman’s dad happened to be one of the four tribe leaders of the Atrians. Roman is the most likely candidate to succeed his dad. That is, until his uncle Castor volunteered for the job.


You’d think that would be a good thing, but Castor used to be a Trag, which lead to trust issues with Roman, understandably. Roman’s at a loss, however, so he decides to turn to his uncle. Several hiccups later, however, Roman decides to step into the role for which he was made. He decides to lead his tribe. Talk about a lot of responsibility, on top of schoolwork.


Back to the romance of it all – Roman and Emery are at odds, to say the least. However tense things may be between them, the fact that her pro-Atrian rant went viral shows that she’s still thinking about him and still, effectually, in his corner. By the way, did you catch that Grayson is a Red Hawk It makes his dealings with Emery more suspect, wouldn’t you say? Also, Tamoh Penikett is a secret Trag. He clearly wants to get Roman out of the way and clear the decks for himself. What did you think of “These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends”? Will you keep watching Star-Crossed? Tweet us @YAmzine and let us know.