We’re back with the Season 3 premiere of Switched at Birth. It was actually quite slower than we expected and had become used to from one of our favorite shows.
We open on the first day of senior year for Daphne and Bay. Their cherished Carlton is still open, but it is so not the same. The once mostly deaf school is now jam-packed with juvenile delinquents. It certainly provides for some weird moments throughout the episode. Daphne already has a rival among her new classmates. The storyline feels a little forced if you ask us. It is easy to see how it will all turn out. The troubled kids take over the school while the good kids have a hard time adapting. The two groups clash and collide but in the end will be friends. We hope it turns out differently but it looked like the writing was on the wall pretty much.
Besides her school issues, Daphne struggles to get her relationship with her biological dad John back on the right track. He’s still upset about all the scandal she caused over the summer. On the topic of her political mischiefs, Daphne gets 100 hours of community service at a clinic. Joining the cast is Breaking Bad’s RJ Mitte as a volunteer at the clinic. We are such fans and totally welcome him to the show! Looks like he is going to be a potential love interest for Daphne too!
Bay is still spinning from her break-up with hunky Ty. She thinks he cheated, but it’s obvious he didn’t. After ignoring it for much of the episode, Bay drives herself a little mad. Good thing she is in an awesome college art class that introduces her to a frat guy. Do you think he’s cute? We’re still undecided. Do you think he’s going to stick around? Tune in next week to see if the story picks up!