Season 3 episode 14 of Teen Wolf, entitled “More Bad Than Good,” picks up where we left off with Derek and Peter being held prisoner. We still don’t know who this group of people keeping them captive is, but they may be the South American hunters we heard rumors about previously. They do know an awful amount of werewolves. Don’t be fooled, however, into thinking they’re merciful. They proceed to cut off Peter’s finger up top, so we know for sure the guys are in a dire situation. Elsewhere, Scott and Stiles find the were-coyote’s den. Scott is worried that if he changes while they search for her he won’t be able to turn back. So instead of him searching, they call the sherrif. Agent McCall shows up, and things get complicated, as they are wont to do when McCall is involved. Kira gives Scott some research about the mysterious Bardo we mentioned last time…and it’s still shrouded in mystery. Stiles has another Inception-type dream episode in class and Stiles helps him calm down. Derek and Peter are still in a tough spot…that is until Braeden (!) shows up to save them. Why Braeden? Because Deucalion hired her. Back with the rest of the group, Deaton has tracked down some tranquilizers that will work on Malia (if Allison can shoot the tranquilizer gun properly) but Scott is still hesitant to change. Running out of options, the group tracks down the twins. They immediately attack Scott, not really accomplishing anything except for making a mess. A wild chase ensues. Scott eventually tracks down Malia and overcomes his fears about turning. This all happens at the crash site. He turns into a wolf, allowing Malia to turn into a girl again. Malia reunites with her father. Braeden frees Derek and Peter and they immediately go looking for something. Braeden helps them pull this mysterious object out of a chest, a chest that their captors didn’t want them to get into. We don’t see what the object is but briefly spy the Hale family symbol on it before we cut to someone at the Nemeton. This mysterious figure pulls a new growth out of the Nemeton and then walks away…into eerie smoke and fireflies. Who do you think this person is? What was the object Derek and Peter pulled out of the chest? Tune into next week’s Teen Wolf to find out!