The Blog List


Name: Andrea
Blog Name: Cozy Up With A Good Read
Blog URL:

Description: Cozy Up With A Good Read is a very eclectic blog that features reviews of many different books from varying genres of fiction. I have a strong focus on young adult books but also enjoy reading many adult books as well. I enjoy trying many new genres that I am not used to, and enjoy featuring indie authors as well as famous authors. Cozy Up With A Good Read was started to be able to talk about the many books I have read and really become more invested into finding new and interesting books.

Name: Annette
Blog Name: Annette’s Book Spot
Blog URL:

Description: I’m a high school librarian located in Illinois. I read and blog about YA books, or adult books that are appropriate for teens. Reading is a passion, and I love discussing books with students and bloggers. I participate in a couple of memes, but I really concentrate on book reviews and post three or four reviews each week. I do enjoy an occasional author interview as well. I read almost any genre, but don’t usually read short stories or graphic novels. Historical fiction is my favorite. I review a mixture of new or upcoming titles and older books that I’ve always wanted to read or that someone has recommended. Hope you come and visit!

Name: Hannah
Blog Name: Book Blogging Beauties
Blog URL:

Description: We’re the Book Blogging Beauties!
We’re a team of ladies who just flat out love books! No matter how busy our lives get with school, families, work, etc.; we always have time to sit down and read a good book.
We developed our site as a place we could share all those good books with the world through our reviews. In addition to reviewing books, we also love doing giveaways, author interviews, blog tours, and just about anything else book related.

Name: Ruth
Blog Name: Reading…Dreaming
Blog URL:

Description: Welcome to my blog… This is my way to share with the world one of my greatest passions: BOOKS! Here I post: reviews, interviews, some fun memes and my random thought. Hope you have fun visiting me πŸ™‚ Happy Reading!!!

Name: Tammy
Blog Name: Books, Bones & Buffy 
Blog URL:

Description: Books, Bones & Buffy is a book blog filled with book reviews and lots of information on upcoming releases that I am excited about. I read and review primarily fantasy, science fiction, horror, and paranormal fiction of all kinds, both adult and young adult. I am partial to well-written and well-crafted stories! I also love movies and television, and sometimes I talk about the shows I love. You may be able to tell by the name of my blog that I am a huge Joss Whedon fan! Please stop by and visit soon!

Name: Meaghan
Blog Name: Feeling a Little Bookish
Blog URL: 

Description: I started my blog a few years ago in hopes of keeping track of all the books I had been reading. I never imagined when I did that I would have people following me and actually reading my posts. I am a diverse reader and my blog reflects that. I am a 30 year old first grade teacher who can’t seem to put books down. I review both adult and YA titles but over the past few years I have been reading a lot more YA titles than adult titles. I also take part in some weekly memes including: In My Mailbox, Top Ten Tuesdays and Waiting on Wednesdays.  Thus far some of my favorite YA books are Divergent, The Hunger Games, Bumped and Karma.  Happy Reading! 


Name: Candace
Blog Name: Candace’s Book Blog
Blog URL:

Description: I feature an eclectic mix of genres and ages with YA being the most prevalent. You’ll find a few children’s book reviews, some adult book reviews (though no erotica or steamy romance) and a lot of YA. I host a lot of giveaways as well as author interviews and guest posts. Stop by to check it out, there’s something for everyone!


Name: Maryann and Gabby
Blog Name: Chapter by Chapter
Blog URL: 

Description: Chapter by Chapter is a Young Adult book review blog created by me (MaryAnn) and my daughter (Gabby).  We decided to start this blog in hopes of helping spread buzz on books we love and or hate, but that we enjoy together.
What you’ll generally find are reviews on Young Adult books from two different reviewers. . . an adult perspective or the younger generation.  At times, you may even find a dual review on a particular book that we both enjoyed.  Our hope with this joint venture is to bring families closer together with the power of a book.

Name: Jenna
Blog name: Coffee, books and me
Blog URL:

Description: A YA book blog that started on March 2011. On the blog are book reviews, book/blog tours, author interviews, giveaways, different weekly memes and many more! Hope to see you there! πŸ™‚

Name: Cathy
Blog Name: The Crazy Bookworm
Blog URL:

Description: The Crazy Bookworm is primarily a Young Adult book blog that features book reviews, author interviews/guest posts and giveaways! Stop by and let’s talk books!

Name: Eli Weibley
Blog Name: Eli to the nth
Blog URL:

Description: Eli to the nth is primarily a young adult book blog with the occasional middle grade and adult book thrown in.  Reviews of new and old books, features such as Teaser Tuesday, and original content are posted on a weekly basis.  But basically, it is a place for Eli to squee about the awesome that is books! 


Name: Amber
Blog Name: Fall Into Books
Blog URL: 

Description: A book review blog that covers both YA and adult contemporary, dystopian, paranormal, science fiction, and fantasy novels!

Name: Cathee Hales
Blog Name: Forever Lost in Books
Blog URL:

Description: Forever Lost in Books is an awesome YA book review blog where you can check out cover reveals, new releases, reviews, giveaways, interviews, guest posts, and you can find a new original post every day! It may be one in a thousand, but it’s still special.

Name: Jessica
Blog Name: Jess Resides Here
Blog URL:

Description: Reader, reviewer, opinionated individual. 


Name: Melissa
Blog Name: I Swim for Oceans
Blog URL:

Description: I Swim for Oceans is a young adult book blog that focuses on all the main subgenres of YA fiction including, but not limited to, dystopian, sci-fi, fantasy, paranormal, contemporary and Christian. I feature in depth book reviews, features, author interviews, giveaways and more!

Name: Kimberly
Blog Name: Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Blog URL: 

Description: A site that offers book reviews, author interviews, giveaways and more.

Name: Anjana 
Blog Name: Kindle and Me.

Description: Ramblings of a compulsive reader…

Name: Meredith O and Erin L
Blog Name: Mint Tea and A Good Book 
Blog URL:

Description: Mint Tea & A Good Book is a blog primarily featuring Young Adult literature. We do reviews, guest posts, interviews, giveaways, seasonal tea (we have to stay true to our blog name!), memes, and feature even more literary related content! 

Name: Jackie
Blog Name: No Bent Spine
Blog URL: 

Description: No Bent Spines is a bookish blog filled with author interviews, reviews, giveaways, blog tours, cover reveals and so much more! We mainly focus on YA-NA novels. Maybe you’ll find your new favorite book here! Happy reading!
Name: Jessica
Blog Name: Novel Escapism
Description: A blog about all things literary including a wide variety of book reviews, quotes and generally fun bookish tidbits. So come get lost in a good book with me!

Name: Jenn, Meghan, and Kristal
Blog Name: Owl Read It
Blog URL: 

Description: YA and MG book reviews, interviews, news and giveaways. 

Name: Lisa
Blog Name: Paranormal Urban Fantasy Reviews
Blog URL: 

Description: Reviewing Paranormal/Urban Fantasy/Fantasy books in both the Young Adult and Adult genres, plus freebies, giveaways, movies, book trailers, cover reveals and more!

Name: Manda-Rae
Blog Name: manda-rae reads a lot
Blog URL:

Description: Manda-Rae reads anything and everything paranormal.  She’s too obsessed with vampires to read anything normal nowadays.

Name: Karin
Blog Name: My Life…
Blog URL:

Description: A blog dealing mostly with my passion for books and glimpses into photography and other fun stuff.

Name: Gabrielle
Blog Name: The Mod Podge Bookshelf
Blog URL:

Blog Description: The Mod Podge Bookshelf is a blog about books. From literary to middle grade, adult to young adult, MPB is for readers interested in author interviews and guest blogs, reviews, giveaways and other unique features. Follow Gabrielle Carolina on Twitter @modpodgebooks for daily content links!

Name: Fara
Blog Name: Tumbling In Books
Blog URL:

Description:  Fara is the author behind Tumbling In Books. Tumbling In Books is where she reviews YA books. If you’ve been stalking Tumbling In Books long enough, you’ll most probably notice how obsessed Fara is with YA Contemporary genre and how she tends to fall for the bad guys. And if you think high school boys + girls = great books, both of you will get along pretty well! 

Name: Jessica Secret
Blog Name: Shut Up! I’m Reading.
Blog URL:

Description: A YA book site full of reviews, interviews, and other things to satisfy your book nerd self.


Name: Mandi Kaye
Blog Name: Never Too Fond of Books
Blog URL:

Description: Never Too Fond of Books is a book blog by Mandi Kaye Ottaway that focuses primarily on YA Lit—but sometimes you might find something else thrown in the mix!

Name: Lexi
Blog Name: The Literature Lion
Blog URL:

Description: A young adult lion roaring about all the young adult books she reads! 


Name: Anna
Blog Name: Literary Exploration
Blog URL:

Description: Literary Exploration is a book blog that focuses solely on awesome young adult titles. We feature reviews of upcoming and past titles, giveaways, author interviews, discussion posts, and

The Blog List


Name: Andrea
Blog Name: Cozy Up With A Good Read
Blog URL:

Description: Cozy Up With A Good Read is a very eclectic blog that features reviews of many different books from varying genres of fiction. I have a strong focus on young adult books but also enjoy reading many adult books as well. I enjoy trying many new genres that I am not used to, and enjoy featuring indie authors as well as famous authors. Cozy Up With A Good Read was started to be able to talk about the many books I have read and really become more invested into finding new and interesting books.

Name: Annette
Blog Name: Annette’s Book Spot
Blog URL:

Description: I’m a high school librarian located in Illinois. I read and blog about YA books, or adult books that are appropriate for teens. Reading is a passion, and I love discussing books with students and bloggers. I participate in a couple of memes, but I really concentrate on book reviews and post three or four reviews each week. I do enjoy an occasional author interview as well. I read almost any genre, but don’t usually read short stories or graphic novels. Historical fiction is my favorite. I review a mixture of new or upcoming titles and older books that I’ve always wanted to read or that someone has recommended. Hope you come and visit!

Name: Hannah
Blog Name: Book Blogging Beauties
Blog URL:

Description: We’re the Book Blogging Beauties!
We’re a team of ladies who just flat out love books! No matter how busy our lives get with school, families, work, etc.; we always have time to sit down and read a good book.
We developed our site as a place we could share all those good books with the world through our reviews. In addition to reviewing books, we also love doing giveaways, author interviews, blog tours, and just about anything else book related.

Name: Ruth
Blog Name: Reading…Dreaming
Blog URL:

Description: Welcome to my blog… This is my way to share with the world one of my greatest passions: BOOKS! Here I post: reviews, interviews, some fun memes and my random thought. Hope you have fun visiting me πŸ™‚ Happy Reading!!!

Name: Tammy
Blog Name: Books, Bones & Buffy 
Blog URL:

Description: Books, Bones & Buffy is a book blog filled with book reviews and lots of information on upcoming releases that I am excited about. I read and review primarily fantasy, science fiction, horror, and paranormal fiction of all kinds, both adult and young adult. I am partial to well-written and well-crafted stories! I also love movies and television, and sometimes I talk about the shows I love. You may be able to tell by the name of my blog that I am a huge Joss Whedon fan! Please stop by and visit soon!

Name: Meaghan
Blog Name: Feeling a Little Bookish
Blog URL: 

Description: I started my blog a few years ago in hopes of keeping track of all the books I had been reading. I never imagined when I did that I would have people following me and actually reading my posts. I am a diverse reader and my blog reflects that. I am a 30 year old first grade teacher who can’t seem to put books down. I review both adult and YA titles but over the past few years I have been reading a lot more YA titles than adult titles. I also take part in some weekly memes including: In My Mailbox, Top Ten Tuesdays and Waiting on Wednesdays.  Thus far some of my favorite YA books are Divergent, The Hunger Games, Bumped and Karma.  Happy Reading! 


Name: Candace
Blog Name: Candace’s Book Blog
Blog URL:

Description: I feature an eclectic mix of genres and ages with YA being the most prevalent. You’ll find a few children’s book reviews, some adult book reviews (though no erotica or steamy romance) and a lot of YA. I host a lot of giveaways as well as author interviews and guest posts. Stop by to check it out, there’s something for everyone!


Name: Maryann and Gabby
Blog Name: Chapter by Chapter
Blog URL: 

Description: Chapter by Chapter is a Young Adult book review blog created by me (MaryAnn) and my daughter (Gabby).  We decided to start this blog in hopes of helping spread buzz on books we love and or hate, but that we enjoy together.
What you’ll generally find are reviews on Young Adult books from two different reviewers. . . an adult perspective or the younger generation.  At times, you may even find a dual review on a particular book that we both enjoyed.  Our hope with this joint venture is to bring families closer together with the power of a book.

Name: Jenna
Blog name: Coffee, books and me
Blog URL:

Description: A YA book blog that started on March 2011. On the blog are book reviews, book/blog tours, author interviews, giveaways, different weekly memes and many more! Hope to see you there! πŸ™‚

Name: Cathy
Blog Name: The Crazy Bookworm
Blog URL:

Description: The Crazy Bookworm is primarily a Young Adult book blog that features book reviews, author interviews/guest posts and giveaways! Stop by and let’s talk books!

Name: Eli Weibley
Blog Name: Eli to the nth
Blog URL:

Description: Eli to the nth is primarily a young adult book blog with the occasional middle grade and adult book thrown in.  Reviews of new and old books, features such as Teaser Tuesday, and original content are posted on a weekly basis.  But basically, it is a place for Eli to squee about the awesome that is books! 


Name: Amber
Blog Name: Fall Into Books
Blog URL: 

Description: A book review blog that covers both YA and adult contemporary, dystopian, paranormal, science fiction, and fantasy novels!

Name: Cathee Hales
Blog Name: Forever Lost in Books
Blog URL:

Description: Forever Lost in Books is an awesome YA book review blog where you can check out cover reveals, new releases, reviews, giveaways, interviews, guest posts, and you can find a new original post every day! It may be one in a thousand, but it’s still special.

Name: Jessica
Blog Name: Jess Resides Here
Blog URL:

Description: Reader, reviewer, opinionated individual. 


Name: Melissa
Blog Name: I Swim for Oceans
Blog URL:

Description: I Swim for Oceans is a young adult book blog that focuses on all the main subgenres of YA fiction including, but not limited to, dystopian, sci-fi, fantasy, paranormal, contemporary and Christian. I feature in depth book reviews, features, author interviews, giveaways and more!

Name: Kimberly
Blog Name: Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Blog URL: 

Description: A site that offers book reviews, author interviews, giveaways and more.

Name: Anjana 
Blog Name: Kindle and Me.

Description: Ramblings of a compulsive reader…

Name: Meredith O and Erin L
Blog Name: Mint Tea and A Good Book 
Blog URL:

Description: Mint Tea & A Good Book is a blog primarily featuring Young Adult literature. We do reviews, guest posts, interviews, giveaways, seasonal tea (we have to stay true to our blog name!), memes, and feature even more literary related content! 

Name: Jackie
Blog Name: No Bent Spine
Blog URL: 

Description: No Bent Spines is a bookish blog filled with author interviews, reviews, giveaways, blog tours, cover reveals and so much more! We mainly focus on YA-NA novels. Maybe you’ll find your new favorite book here! Happy reading!
Name: Jessica
Blog Name: Novel Escapism
Description: A blog about all things literary including a wide variety of book reviews, quotes and generally fun bookish tidbits. So come get lost in a good book with me!

Name: Jenn, Meghan, and Kristal
Blog Name: Owl Read It
Blog URL: 

Description: YA and MG book reviews, interviews, news and giveaways. 

Name: Lisa
Blog Name: Paranormal Urban Fantasy Reviews
Blog URL: 

Description: Reviewing Paranormal/Urban Fantasy/Fantasy books in both the Young Adult and Adult genres, plus freebies, giveaways, movies, book trailers, cover reveals and more!

Name: Manda-Rae
Blog Name: manda-rae reads a lot
Blog URL:

Description: Manda-Rae reads anything and everything paranormal.  She’s too obsessed with vampires to read anything normal nowadays.

Name: Karin
Blog Name: My Life…
Blog URL:

Description: A blog dealing mostly with my passion for books and glimpses into photography and other fun stuff.

Name: Gabrielle
Blog Name: The Mod Podge Bookshelf
Blog URL:

Blog Description: The Mod Podge Bookshelf is a blog about books. From literary to middle grade, adult to young adult, MPB is for readers interested in author interviews and guest blogs, reviews, giveaways and other unique features. Follow Gabrielle Carolina on Twitter @modpodgebooks for daily content links!

Name: Fara
Blog Name: Tumbling In Books
Blog URL:

Description:  Fara is the author behind Tumbling In Books. Tumbling In Books is where she reviews YA books. If you’ve been stalking Tumbling In Books long enough, you’ll most probably notice how obsessed Fara is with YA Contemporary genre and how she tends to fall for the bad guys. And if you think high school boys + girls = great books, both of you will get along pretty well! 

Name: Jessica Secret
Blog Name: Shut Up! I’m Reading.
Blog URL:

Description: A YA book site full of reviews, interviews, and other things to satisfy your book nerd self.


Name: Mandi Kaye
Blog Name: Never Too Fond of Books
Blog URL:

Description: Never Too Fond of Books is a book blog by Mandi Kaye Ottaway that focuses primarily on YA Lit—but sometimes you might find something else thrown in the mix!

Name: Lexi
Blog Name: The Literature Lion
Blog URL:

Description: A young adult lion roaring about all the young adult books she reads! 


Name: Anna
Blog Name: Literary Exploration
Blog URL:

Description: Literary Exploration is a book blog that focuses solely on awesome young adult titles. We feature reviews of upcoming and past titles, giveaways, author interviews, discussion posts, and

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