Valentine’s Day draws near, but not all is peace in Carrie’s valley of love. Sebastian’s back and armed with a failsafe idea — skateboard apparel. As a lover of all things fashion, it only makes sense Carrie would be into the idea…However, she was less than thrilled. Maggie found out she got into college…but she didn’t get financial aid. As Mouse discusses potential financial aid opportunities with Maggie, they run into Donna who is helping with army recruitment on campus. Mouse and Donna are pretty tight — and Maggie doesn’t seemed thrilled but backs off. Over at Interview, Samantha invites Carrie, Walt, Larissa and Bennet out to the local gay club, aptly called Boy. Where else should you spend Valentine’s Day in New York. Sebastian bails on the plan, however, when he tries to get his hustle on for the clothing company with an 18-year-old Tony Hawk. Carrie’s understandably upset but decides to go to the club anyway. She explains to Larissa that she’s not upset Sebastian bailed on Valentine’s Day, rather she thinks he’s wasting his time with skateboarding apparel. It’s just a fad, after all. Sebastian gets a call from Tony asking if he would be willing to move to Laguna to run the company, and this is the last straw for Carrie. She tells Sebastian she thinks he’s wasting his time which utterly hurts his feelings. Pretty harsh, Car. Maggie toys with the idea of enlisting but Mouse tells her the cold, hard, truths about the reality of army life. She cools on the idea just as quickly as she took up with it. Problem is, they have to disentangle her from the recruiter. They decide to sneak onto the army base to do so. After some mishaps, they manage to get Maggie out of her recruitment, and she gets a phone number from the cute recruiter, Pete. At Boy, Bennet and Walt confront the fact that Walt, even though out, isn’t comfortable participating in the gay scene so actively. He does agree to try out the dance floor. Baby steps. Larissa proceeds to get thrown out of the club for being disorderly after causing a scene because she didn’t like how much attention Samantha was getting. Say jelly much? Before Walt has a chance to leave a club he and Bennet run into Martin, a friend of Bennet’s ex. Martin tells Bennet that his ex tested positive for AIDS and that Bennet should get a test. Walt has a panic attack in the street and rushes off, leaving everyone majorly stressed out. Mortality, new diseases, grappling with sexuality…a busy Valentine’s Day for everyone. Carrie tracks Walt down with Sebastian’s help. Walt questions how much he’s giving up by being out, and breaks up with Bennet. Sebastian agrees to run the business from New York. Maggie calls Pete. Walt tells his mom he’s going to return home. Do you think Walt made the right decision? What about Bennet? What will happen with Maggie and Pete? Do you think Larissa overreacted? Tell us your thoughts and tune in next week to see more of the gang!