Few events are bigger in life than Prom and it’s no different in The Carrie Diaries! Donna and Dorrit went as dates and Carrie, Mouse, Maggie and Walt went as a group. No traditional parings here! The unconventional grouping helped cement their friendships and provided for an amazing time, combined with AMAZING fashions! Weaver made an appearance at prom to apologize to Carrie. Sebastian was working – when all your finances are on the line it only makes sense – but he managed to show up at the end, looking great in a tux. Unfortunately he’s moving to California for good…he hasn’t told Carrie yet though. At least he didn’t ruin prom night. Bennet tried to apologize to Walt. Carrie was offered a full-time position at Interview. Amazing! The condition is that she would have to forgo NYU to take on the position. She ultimately ended up accepting but her dad wasn’t stoked on the fact she’d decided to skip college. He decided to cut her off, financially. If she’s making big life decisions she can support herself, financially, too. What did you think about Sebastian deciding to move to California? What about Carrie’s decision to skip college? Do you think she’s making the right choice? Tune into the finale next week to see what happens!