The Fosters is back with an all-new episode this week. After her act of rebelliousness last week, Callie is sent to a home for girls. Lena and Stef truly want to help her. After Brandon confesses about the kiss, Lena and Stef go to court to speak on Callie’s behalf, but they also tell the judge they are not ready to take Callie back into their home. Callie meets Rita Hendricks, played by the amazing Rosie O’Donnell, a woman who works in the foster care system, and it’s clear it will take Callie some time to adjust to Rita’s strict rules. Brandon comes forward about the real reason Callie ran away and, unbeknownst to Stef and Lena, he sets out to track her down.
Meanwhile, Mariana volunteers to help with the school play in order to show off and get to know a cute boy. Jesus’ meds are having troubling side effects, and he’s desperate to find an alternative to taking the pills. The series continues to delve into some solid material. Stay tuned for more next week!