ABC Family’s smash hit The Fosters returned this week! We picked up right where we left off – just after Stef and Lena’s wedding but before they realized their foster daughter Callie had run away. While the episode unwound with a less frantic pace than was to be expected with a missing-person involved, it managed to pack an emotional punch at the end of the show. Stef and Lena woke up on their morning after the wedding, filled with love and a little bit of irritation at the thought of returning their wedding stuff. Eventually, the ladies figured out that Callie had gone MIA, thanks to Wyatt. They tracked her down…But that wasn’t the end of it. Callie managed to slip out yet again. On the streets, Callie was at a major loss. She quickly realized it wasn’t going to be as easy as she thought to wrangle a place to stay or even to get a job to support herself. She also learned that her biological father had gotten out of prison over a year ago. Instead of contacting her, he left her to fend for herself. These heartbreaks piled on top of one another lead Callie to make a complicated and hotly debatable decision – to enter the juvie system and take her luck there. Mari and Jesus had their own moments of sadness when they realized that Lexi was gone for good. Jude had to struggle with the realization that Callie was also gone for good – or is she? What did you think of The Fosters winter premiere? Do you think Callie will be back? Tune into ABC Family’s hit The Fosters next week to find out!