So, clearly, everyone in New Orleans is in big trouble in The Originals no thanks to the newly resurfaced Papa Tunde. Klaus tried to rally his troops and make an inspiring speech, only to have everyone practically hightail it out of the compound, following a path set by Thierry. What is a leader with no followers, really? Rebekah had her powers sucked out by Papa Tunde and then restored. After she was back to full strength, Elijah took her down a peg for trying to overthrow Klaus which pissed Rebekah off to no end. Marcel is still majorly upset over Davina’s death. This episode did reveal, however, that Davina can still potentially be resurrected. Hayley and Elijah couldn’t stay away from each other. She confessed her feelings to him, but he told her that out of respect for his brother they couldn’t do anything about them. Clearly his feelings were stronger than admitted, because he spent the last few minutes of the episode looking up at Hayley on her balcony. Hayley’s more likely to act on those feelings after she has Klaus’s baby, but we will see. Will Klaus become the vamp king of NOLA? What about Davina’s potential return? Watch the Originals on the CW every week to see what happens.