Original author: Zoraida C
 Website: click here
Published by Sourcebooks Fire ISBN 1402265131 (ISBN13: 9781402265136)
SYNOPSIS: “In the quest for the Sea Throne, Tristan has already watched one good friend die. Now he must lead the rest on a dangerous voyage to the infamous port of Tortuga Cove in search of the trident that will make him king. But while Tristan chases his destiny, the dark forces raging against him are getting stronger and the sea witch of his nightmares is getting closer. Battling pirates, sea dragons and mutant creatures of the deep, Tristan needs his friends’ support. But they each have their secrets, and a betrayal will force Tristan to choose between loyalty and ambition, friendship and love. In the race for a throne, all’s fair in the savage blue.”
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Zoraida Córdova was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador, where she learned to speak English watching Disney’s The Little Mermaid and Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker on repeat. Her favorite things are sparkly like merdudes, Christmas, and New York City at night.