The episode begins with Stephen helping Astrid with her interview to get into music college, and her reassuring him that she won’t tell anybody about his powers. Meanwhile, in mom-land, Peter has decided to take Stephen’s whole family camping, much to Stephen’s disgust. John to keep an eye on Astrid whilst he’s gone because one of Stephen’s co-recruits, Hillary, has Jedikiah that Astrid knows about Stephen’s powers and now Astrid’s life is in danger. Astrid goes to her music college audition at a hotel, but it turns out it was a set up by Ultra, and just as she is being sent before the firing squad, John bursts in and rescues her, sustaining rather a nasty shot wound himself.
Out in the wilderness, Stephen accuses Peter of being sent by Ultra, and pushes him off a cliff into a river to make his point. Only when Peter appears to drown does Stephen doubt his intuition. Needless to say, Stephen’s mom reems him out pretty hard for trying to kill her boyfriend. Meanwhile John and Astrid are hiding out in the hotel; John loses consciousness and Astrid has to dig the bullet out of him herself, guided by Cara on video. Thank goodness for the internet. Cara goes in to extract them. It’s tough as the building is swarming with Ultra agents, but luckily she’s got better at rescues since her lame attempt at storming the Citadel. Back at the lair, Astrid is pretty upset when she discovers that she now cannot leave as her life is in danger. Stephen asks John why he was prepared to take a bullet for Astrid and we find out that John was disciplined for showing his powers to a civilian when he was younger, and Roger was kind to him; John sees this as a repayment of his debt. Stephen is totally stumped about Peter, until he realizes that every time he’s seen Peter’s ‘powers’, his younger brother Luca has been around. He is breaking out! Can he make his transition without Stephen trying to kill any more of their mom’s prospective boyfriends? Tune in next week to find out.